Your Guide To All Of The International Olympic Swimming Trial Meet Changes

As part of the world at large, the swimming community near and far has been severely impacted by the unfolding of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We have seen unprecedented scores of meets and events cancelled or postponed, which would wreak havoc at any time, but especially in the context of entering the final months to qualify for a Summer Olympic Games.

We have kept up with the Olympic-qualifying meet changes as we know them to be, understanding that contingency plans are still being decided and potential alternative routes to Tokyo selection are being paved. In the meantime, however, we wanted to condense the changes as we understand them to keep readers abreast of what the next few weeks may look like swimming competition-wise.

Nations With NO Olympic Trials Changes As Far As We Know
*In alphabetical order; latest updates hyperlinked within text

Nations With Olympic Trials CHANGES

Nations with Olympic Trials CANCELLATIONS

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4 years ago

Australian events are held in Adelaide(South Australia) which has closed its borders to all the other states. i don’t think this will be going ahead. Australian prime minister imposed an Australian six month travel ban to all Australians last night. The Olympics are off for us.

4 years ago

South African Nationals / Olympic Trials have been postponed for now and no longer take place 4 to 9 April

Craig Jones
4 years ago

This doesn’t seem to have been kept fully up to date. South African Nationals from 4-9 are on hold.

4 years ago

Heck, I’ve used 4 different freestyle strokes over the course of a single 200.
Easy Speed
Burn mode
Double piano

4 years ago

Nz Olympic trials are going ahead with no spectatora now. However this could change if NZ govt bans large events.

4 years ago

Captain Sós and the Hungarian Swimming Association has plans on how to held the Championships (of course no spectator, limited number of athletes, possible change of venue). The plans are still to be discussed with clubs and epidemology experts. Decision is expected in one or two days.

Shirley Mireault
4 years ago

The Bahamas has not changed theirs yet. It is in June. International travel to meets is cancelled for National Sports teams for now but not that meet as things may change by then.

4 years ago

If test competitions cannot be considered then the best option is the qualifying table based qualification. It is also fairer than the test competitions, and the best and highest-ranking athletes are accessing Tokyo. Just like in Estonia or Finland where 2 A standard is available. If they are more like the Us comes the game ranking.

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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