Follow the 2018 U.S. Pan Pacs Team On Social Media


Below, find links to the Twitter and Instagram accounts of the 2018 U.S. Pan Pacific Championships team. Follow your favorite athletes during the biggest international competition of the year. The meet is set to take place August 9th-14th in Tokyo, Japan.

You can check out our full roster announcement here.

Men’s Roster Twitter Instagram
Abrahm DeVine N/A @abrahmdevine
Andrew Seliskar N/A @andrewseliskar
Andrew Wilson @awil5504 @justdrewit_13
Austin Katz @katz_austin @austinkatzzz
Blake Pieroni @BPieronigold @blakepieroni
Caeleb Dressel @caelebdressel @caelebdressel
Chase Kalisz @chasekalisz @chasekalisz
Conor Dwyer @conorjdwyer @conorjdwyer
David Heron @_davidheron_ @_davidheron_
Grant Shoults @grantshoults @grantshoults
Jack Conger N/A @jack_conger
Jacob Pebley @Jacob_Pebley @jacob.pebley
Jay Litherland @j_litherland @jaylitherland
Jordan Wilimovsky @j_wilimovsky @jwilimovsky
Josh Prenot @JoshPrenot @joshprenot
Justin Ress @LilJRess @liljress
Justin Wright @THE_MrRight @the_mrright
Matt Grevers @MattGrevers @mgrevers
Michael Andrew @SwimmerMichael @swimmermichael
Michael Brinegar N/A @michaelbrinegar1
Nathan Adrian @nathangadrian @nathangadrian
Robert Finke @Robert_Finke @robert_finke
Ryan Murphy @ryan_f_murphy @ryan_f_murphy
Sean Grieshop @seanyboy500 @seantgrieshop
Taylor Abbott N/A @tkabbott532
Townley Haas @TownleyH @townleyh
Zach Apple @apple_zach @apple_zach
Zach Harting @hartingz @hartingz
Zane Grothe @zane_growth_ee @zane_growth_ee


Women’s Roster Twitter Instagram
Abbey Weitzeil @AbbeyWeitzeil @abbeyweitzeil
Allison Schmitt @arschmitty @arschmitty
Ally McHugh @AllyMcHugh14 @allymchugh14
Ashley Twichell @atwich616 @atwall616
Bethany Galat N/A @galatbethany
Brooke Forde @forde_b @brooke4d
Chase Travis @chasetravis27 @chase.travis27
Ella Eastin @ella_eastin @ellaeastin
Erica Sullivan N/A @erica.sully
Gabby Deloof @gmdeloof @gdeloof_rf
Haley Anderson @SwimHaley @swimhaley
Hali Flickinger @Hali_Flickinger @haliflickinger
Hannah Moore N/A @hannah_smoore
Kathleen Baker @KathleenBaker2 @kathleenbaker2
Katie Drabot @katiedrabot @katiedrabot
Katie Ledecky @katieledecky @kledecky
Katie McLaughlin @KatieMcLaugh1in @katiemclaughlin21
Katie Meili @katie_meili @katiemeili
Kelsi Dahlia @kelsiwhirl @kelsiwhirl
Leah Smith @lgsmith19 @leahsmith19
Lilly King @_king_lil @_king_lil
Mallory Comerford @malcomerford @malcomerford
Margo Geer @mmgeer @margo.geer
Melanie Margalis @melmargalis @mmargalis
Micah Sumrall @micah_lawrence @micmarlawrence
Olivia Smoliga @OliviaSmoliga @osmoliga
Regan Smith N/A @regansmith4
Simone Manuel @simone_manuel @swimone13


Coaching Staff Twitter Instagram
Arthur Albiero @ArthurAlbiero @arthuralbiero
Stefanie Moreno N/A @williams3514
Teri McKeever @TeriMcKeever @coach_mckeever
Mike Parratto N/A N/A
Ray Looze @IURayLooze @raylooze
Wyatt Collins @WyattCollins_3 @wyatt.collins
Chase Kreitler @chasekreitler N/A
Gregg Troy N/A N/A
Bill Rose @RoseCoachrose N/A
Tyler Fenwick @UVACoachFenwick @uvacoachfenwick


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Ken masterson
6 years ago

Lackluster , even embarrassing, performance by the US swimmers and coaches at Pan Pacs. Other teams just looked like they wanted to be there more?

6 years ago

Stefanie’s instagram is @williams3514

Tyler Fenwick
6 years ago

There’s some coaches that are bringing the fire as well! 🔥🇺🇸✌🏽🇯🇵

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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