Michael Andrew: “I wanted to go 1:59.0 coming into the meet” (Video)

Reported by Anne Lepesant. 


  • U.S. Open Record: 1:54.56, Ryan Lochte, 2009
  1. Josh Prenot, California, 1:58.93
  2. Michael Andrew, Race Pace, 1:59.12
  3. Daiya Seto, Japan, 2:00.35

Michael Andrew went out aggressively and built up a full second lead by the halfway mark. He held onto the lead through the breaststroke, but Josh Prenot came back over the final 25 of the freestyle to touch him out at the end. Prenot had been in third place at the 100, and 150 but his freestyle was a full second faster than Andrew’s, and he got the win 1:58.93 to 1:59.12. Still, it was a personal best for Andrew by .32, and he lowered his own World Junior Record with the effort. Daiya Seto touched out Duncan Scott for third, 2:00.35 to 2:00.48. Max Litchfield was just behind them with 2:00.57.

2016-2017 LCM MEN 200 IM


JPN 1.56.90 09/09
JPN 1.57.13 09/03
JPN 1.58.82 11/20
USA 1.58.93 03/04

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7 years ago

WTF is going on here. I come to this article, of course expecting people to be hemorrhaging to find creative ways to say “I’m not a hater…but I’m definitely rooting against him and have been for years and this is why I’m justified,” but this is ridiculous.

“Many others are eclipsing him” – how can that even be a serious comment on a video interview done with him after he BROKE THE WORLD JUNIOR RECORD? Literally, by definition, that means that nobody has eclipsed him in at least one event! Oy vey.

Reply to  Watcher
7 years ago

Jr world records started being monitored in 2013 or something Phelps was 1:56 low at his age…

7 years ago

“Eclipsed” implies that swimmers who were worse have surpassed him.

Even if JWR didn’t start until 2013 (which is only partially true, because some of the records date back to earlier than that), the fact that Phelps was faster at the same age doesn’t mean that swimmers have “eclipsed” him.

Anybody else have an explanation?

Reply to  Watcher
7 years ago

Eclipsed was probably the wrong word to use. I just meant their are guys out there that are better, that’s it. Wasn’t trying to hate on the kid at all

Reply to  Watcher
7 years ago

There ARE swimmers who were once worse who have surpassed.

Steve Nolan
Reply to  Watcher
7 years ago

I mean, I’m far more weirded out by the ad at the end of the video.

It goes on your finger!

Reply to  Steve Nolan
7 years ago

I am the most weirded out by his pronunciation of addidas.

Reply to  completelyconquered
7 years ago

* Adidas.

Reply to  completelyconquered
7 years ago

He’s actually pronouncing it the way it’s meant to be pronounced. The ‘American’ pronunciation was widely cemented and disseminated by Run DMC. Whoops.


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Steve Nolan
Reply to  completelyconquered
7 years ago

Bahha I remember saying when he was first signed by them and pronounced it like that, “Michael Andrew the type of dude that’ll ‘well, actually…’ your pronunciation of “Adidas.”

Also just watched “Tickled” – it is a good documentary and you should, too! – and a Kiwi in that said it like Andrew does. Threw me off for a second.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
7 years ago

An amazing record! As a fan of swimming, I just get excited to think about how much faster he could go if his underwater dolphins, free technique and endurance improved. I’m sure he will keep getting faster, but I do wonder if another coach, one who has been through it many times before with great swimmers could get him there quicker? Go MA.

7 years ago

I honestly think he has plateaued. I just don’t see him as the new face of men’s swimming there are others out now better than him, and definitely some up and comers as well who are starting to eclipse him as well.

Reply to  Steff
7 years ago

Kid went from 8th in the 100 breast at JUNIOR Nationals in 2014 to 4th at US Olympic Trials in 2016, and just posts a PB by 3/4 of a second in the 200 IM this weekend, putting himself squarely in the conversation as a potential US LC World Championship team qualifier, and you “honestly think he’s plateaued?” Interesting.

Reply to  Steff
7 years ago


bobo gigi
7 years ago

MA can take advantage of the weak state of the US men’s 200 IM right now to qualify in that event. It has never looked so weak and so open since MP took the power in 2002. 1.58 low/1.58 mid should be enough to make the team.
In the 100 breast he was 4th at last olympic trials. Against Miller, Fink, Cordes, Prenot, Licon, Wilson and Whitley (who has improved a lot his speed recently), I think something around 59 25/59 mid will be required to qualify.

Reply to  bobo gigi
7 years ago

he has the raw talent for the 2im. My belief is he needs to bail on the backyard pool and his current coach(dad). My fear is he will keep improving a little bit each year and be lulled into thinking what they are doing will work but in the end he doesn’t quite get there.

The breast is wide open among those guys listed but if you think ahead to 2020 they need to go 58 high and I think the older guys are maxed out so I would pick from the young guys licon, Wilson Whitley or Andrew

Reply to  Taa
7 years ago

Was it really much different with Phelps/Bowman? I mean, who did Phelps compete with at NBAC? It’s likely he had his own training sessions with Bowman, just like MA has with his father. As I recall, Phelps did an interview with local tv after he got back from the 2000 Olympics when he was 15 and thinking about going pro, even he said ‘I don’t live the life of a normal teenager’, so perhaps MA has a better handle on what HE believes he needs versus we “experts”. MA even admitted in an interview at Indy that he wasn’t “feeling it” at this meet – but realized he needed to do something about it – so on the last day… Read more »

Reply to  RacePaceSwimming
7 years ago

That’s crazy talk. Did you just compare the legendary coach/athlete duo of Bowman/ Phelos to the Andrews???? My friend, Phelos was already an Olympian at 15 with his first world record.

7 years ago

Let’s start a petition for MA to go swim for Eddie Reese.

DC Guy
Reply to  Cobalt
7 years ago

I believe that since MA turned pro a couple of years back that he is not eligible to swim in college.

Reply to  DC Guy
7 years ago

Yes…I thought there might be a post grad/pro group there as well.

7 years ago

MA could be the next great ambassador for swimming.

Reply to  owq
7 years ago

I’m having a hard time with that comment. With all of the great young Olympians that are JUST getting started (i.e. Caleb Dressel who is dropping time in every one of his events each year without fail, Blake Pieroni, another great freestyler who is consistently improving and upping his game, Clark Smith and Townley Haas, RYAN Murphy for the love of God! I’m just going to stop there because last I recall Ryan Murphy quietly and Humbly earned 3 GOLD medals at his first Olympics AND shattered a world record! So no. I disagree. Before it is suggested that MA become “the next great ambassador of swimming”… Allow him the chance to learn and grow as a swimmer so that… Read more »

Reply to  Obee
7 years ago

Winning an Olympic medal doesnt make you God you are still just a swimmer like the rest of us. He is ready to go out and do his thing and he doesnt have to set a WR and win gold medals to be successful

Reply to  Taa
7 years ago

It’s true he doesn’t need to break world records to be deemed successful, but if he is to be the next embassador of the sport he sure as hell needs to improve

Reply to  Taa
7 years ago

To be successful in the sport of swimming he certainly does

Reply to  Taa
7 years ago

I’m bewildered. ok. “They” are not “swimmers just like the rest of us”. “They” are Olympians. Ryan Murphy won 3 golds. Success is relative. And relative to the aforementioned swimmers, MA is not successful yet. Relative to his own 14 year old self, he is not successful.

Reply to  Obee
7 years ago

you guys are harsh. MA will not sign your autograph book at LA2024

Reply to  Obee
7 years ago

He might not be dominant in the way he was as a 14 y/o age-grouper but the level of skepticism is wacky… he’s improved every year, he’s got WJRs, he finished higher at OTs than Murphy or Dressel or Conger at the same age… this isn’t a woulda/coulda story, it’s one of brightest 2020 Olympic prospects out there. Of course like 99.99% of serious Olympic hopefuls, he still needs to prove that he can take that next step..

Another Swim Nerd
Reply to  Caleb
7 years ago

When you go pro at 14 years old, you set the bar higher for yourself. Not saying it’s fair, it’s just the way it is.

bobo gigi
Reply to  owq
7 years ago

Before being the next great male ambassador of swimming he must start to make his first US team in long course and then win golds at worlds and olympic games.
And honestly I don’t see right now who can be the next great ambassador of swimming on the men’s side.

7 years ago

Michael Andrew may be at a Tipping Point of his swimming career. He’s reached the top of swimming, but not the Very Top. With Phelps and Lochte out of the competition, the 200 IM is wide open.

He’s still developing his technique and his turns, and can still keep hitting new PBs. He could make his first World Champs team this year.

Is his father his only coach these days?

Reply to  marklewis
7 years ago

I still think his 200 free needs to improve (he is too flat and recovery is too tense) if he is going to be great in 200 IM.

Reply to  anonymous
7 years ago

He needs to begin focusing on certain events rather than following the Hosszu trend. While Michael may be strong in multiple events, 99% of the time it looks like he begins to go flat after event 3 or 4 and it ends up costing him. He doesn’t have that Phelps-like recovery that allows him to be at his best on the 4th or 5th day of the meet.

Reply to  marklewis
7 years ago

+MarkLewis Lochte will be back soon, even though he can’t go to worlds.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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