16 Year Old Jake Magahey Shatters GA State Records, Goes 8:55 in 1000

by Spencer Penland 12

October 17th, 2017 Club, News

16 year old Jake Magahey from SwimAtlanta raced his way to the top of the national rankings and broke 2 Georgia state records on Sunday, October 15th, at the 2017 SE NAC October Open. Magahey’s time of 8:55.33 shattered the previous Georgia Swimming LSC record of 9:08.51 for 15-16 boys, and broke the Open age boys record of 8:55.87. That time ranks #6 all-time for 15-16 boys, and currently ranks first in the nation for any age so far this season. With this swim, Magahey has added his name to a growing list of stunningly fast October swims, namely Mallory Comerford‘s 47.00/1:41 100 and 200 free, and Siobhan Haughey’s 2:08 200 breast and Big Ten record 47.22 100 free at the SMU Classic.

How Magahey swam the race is arguably more impressive than the time itself. He negative split the race by a pretty large margin, splitting a 4:29.67 for the first 500, and 4:25.66 for the second 500. Magahey’s best time in the 500 is 4:26.56, so the second half of his 1000 was his fastest 500 ever. His 4:29.67 first 500 split ranks as his 6th fastest 500 ever. The 1000 was Magahey’s 8th and final event of the meet, which was held October 14-15th. His last event on Saturday was the 500 free, where he got 2nd with a 4:35.01.

Here’s Magahey’s splits:

51.23 51.23
54.51 1:45.74
55.02 2:40.76
54.61 3:35.37
54.30 4:29.67
53.85 5:23.52
53.78 6:17.30
53.67 7:10.97
53.22 8:04.19
51.14 8:55.33

Magahey’s splitting was excellent, especially for a first 1000 of the season. He descended every 100 split after the 3rd 100, and his last 100 was faster than his first. One observer of the meet said Magahey suited up for the meet. His previous best time was 9:23.88, which he swam in February of 2016.

Here is the new list of 15-16 boys all-time 1000 free:

Rank Name Time
#1 Matthew Hirschberger 8:45.11
#2 Jeff Kostoff 8:49.97
#3 Aidan Burns 8:51.80
#4 Dan Jorgensen 8:52.08
#5 Sean Grieshop 8:53.77
#6 Jake Magahey 8:55.33
#7 Arthur Frayler 8:55.97
#8 Trey Freeman 8:56.30
#9 Simon Lamar 8:57.32
#10 Ross Dant 8:57.64

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7 years ago

Jack has him locked up

7 years ago

Who goes 4:35 in the 500 on Saturday, and then on Sunday splits a 1000 4:29-4:25?

Also great quote– “one observer of the meet said Magahey suited up.” Not to be too-self assured, I don’t think anyone was assuming a record-breaking swim of this caliber (from a 16 year old, no less) was done in a brief….

Reply to  swimming
7 years ago

I see what you’re saying, but in fairness, 16 year old Jeff Kostoff went that 8:49 in a brief back in the mid-80s so it wouldn’t be totally without precedent. Worth the note.

Reply to  sven
7 years ago

Good point, puts in perspective how otherworldly Kostoff was at the time (and still would be now).

Casual observer
Reply to  swimming
7 years ago

“Who goes…”
2 possibilities –
1 – He just turned 16 – maybe it was a burrito for lunch…
2 – Last race – he felt good, was well rested on Sunday and left it in the pool.

Reply to  Casual observer
7 years ago

He just suited up on the last day because he wanted to go for the State Record and he felt good. He didn’t suit up for any other races.

Swimmer Thieroff
7 years ago

Wow, that’s a swift swim! Really impressive descent for 80% of the race! Does anyone know when his birthday is? Considering how early in the season he’s rocking that time, I’d think he has a viable shot at the 15-16 NAG by the end of the yards season, maybe even come Junior / Senior (Winter) Nationals.

Reply to  Swimmer Thieroff
7 years ago

Got the whole season to break it just turned 16

Reply to  Swimmer Thieroff
7 years ago

He just turned 16 in September!

7 years ago

Below 4:20 500?

A fan
Reply to  Uberfan
7 years ago

Not yet but the 4:25 he split on the second half was his best 500 time so I am sure he’s going to have a great 500 at winter juniors

Reply to  Uberfan
7 years ago

just went 4:16.8 at georgia high school state…