Beyond Gold: Post-Olympic Blues Through Nietzsche, Schopenhauer And Heraclitus
What’s left after an Olympic gold? What would philosophers like Heraclitus, Schopenahuer and Nietzsche think about post-Olympic blues?
La Depressione Post-Olimpiadi Attraverso Eraclito, Nietzsche e Schopenahuer
Cosa rimane dopo un oro olimpico? Cosa penserebbero della depressione post olimpica filosofi come Eraclito, Schopenahuer e Nietzsche?
Summer McIntosh Record Del Mondo Jr 200 Misti 2:06.89
Summer McIntosh ha stabilito il Record del mondo juniores nei 200 misti, quarta alla time e la più veloce dal 2016, 2:06.86
La Segunda Temporada De La ISL Contará Con Nuevos Equipos En Toronto Y Tokio
Kosuke Kitajima, cuatro veces campeón olímpico, dirigirá el equipo procedente de Tokio, mientras que Robert Kent (Global Swim Series) guiará el de Toronto.
Glasgow 2019: Pomeriggio Da Brivido Per Gli Azzurri Recap Live Day4
Glasgow 2019: Pomeriggio da brivido all’insegna del tricolore. In acqua c’è Fede, ma non solo. Il recap live delle finali e semifinali del giorno 4
Great Britain Breaks Oldest British Record on the Books in Friday’s Prelims
Anchored by Anna Hopkin (above), the British 200 free relay took down a national record that had stood for almost 20 years.
Stars Preview Their Meets in Glasgow Ahead of 2019 Euros
Florent Manaudou, Siobhan O’Connor, Gregorio Paltrinieri and Kliment Kolesnikov spoke to the media ahead of the start of short course Euros this week.
LEN Festeggia 20 Anni Di Europei. Greg “Non Vedo L’Ora Di Gareggiare”
LEN festeggia la ventesima edizione dell’evento con le stelle europee del nuoto ed un nuovo record di partecipazioni. Le dichiarazioni degli atleti
Katinka Hosszu Hits 2:07.02 in 200 IM Prelims, 7th-Fastest Performance Ever
Katinka Hosszu wasted no time in her quest for her 4th-straight World Champs title in the 200 IM, dropping a 2:07.02 in prelims.
Budapest vs Guangzhou: Which Was the Faster FINA Championship Series Stop?
The second of three FINA Champions Swim Series events was this last weekend in Budapest. The first stop of the…
FINA Drops Star-Studded Participant List for 2019 Champions Series
FINA announced an extensive list of American and international stars confirmed for the inaugural Champions Series Friday.
Quelques réflexions sur l’avenir d’une révolte de nageurs
En annonçant une série de grandes compétitions qui ne sont qu’une mauvaise photocopie du projet de l’International Swimming League, la Fédération Internationale de Natation va-t-elle à l’échec ?
28 Olympians & 2 World Champions Attend ISL Meetings in London
American swimmer Ryan Murphy, an Olympic champion and World Record holder, was among the athletes in attendance in London this week.
29 Olimpionici E 1 Campione Del Mondo Alla Riunione ISL A Londra
Articolo in inglese a cura di Braden Keith (leggi qui l’articolo in inglese) Sono stati 30 gli atleti presenti alle riunioni…
42 sur la liste d’ISL qui défient les menaces d’interdiction de la FINA
42 grands noms de la natation ont signé un contrat avec ISL (communiqués par la Ligue) et sont donc censés être présents à Turin.