Dean Boxall, Mel Marshall Among Designated Swimming Australia Performance Hub Coaches
With the dawn of the new Olympic quad, Swimming Australia has revealed the coaches and program partners now in place at its eight performance centers.
Swimming Australia Names Teams For Junior Pan Pacs, U.S. Nationals
16-year-old standout Flynn Southam headlines a roster of 32 Junior Dolphins who will represent Australia at the Junior Pan Pacific Championships in August.
Holly Barratt, Lo Stop Di 5 Anni Ed I Sei Mesi Lontana Da Casa
Holly Barrat ci ha raccontato dei 6 mesi lontana da casa e del periodo in cui decise di ritirarsi dal nuoto a soli 18 anni.
Mack Horton Si Allenerà Con Michael Bohl “Sono Più Affamato Che Mai”
Mack Horton dopo 12 anni cambia allenatore e si trasferisce nel Queensland per entrare nello stesso gruppo di McKeon e Seebohm
“Hungrier Than Ever” Mack Horton Joins Coach Michael Bohl On The Gold Coast
Horton is joining Bohl at Griffith University after spending the last 12 or 13 years with coach Craig Jackson in Melbourne.
On-The-Mend Cartwright Joins Elite & Budding Stars At Aussie Event Camps
Aussie men and women will be heading to their annual National Event Camps next month, with high-profile coaches such as Michael Bohl & Dean Boxall.
Mic’d Up Aussie Coach Craig Jackson Motivates Nation’s Top Swimmers (Video)
“Crawling away from the pool is what I like to see,” is a quote from Aussie Coach Craig Jackson as he was mic’d up recently at a training camp for men’s 100m and 200m freestylers.
Mack Horton Earns Victoria’s Swimmer Of The Year Honors
Swimming Victoria honored its coaches, athletes, officials and volunteers for their contributions of the 2017-18 season. Mack Horton was among those recognized for his feats at the 2017 World Championships and 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Gregorio Paltrinieri e Mack Horton: amicizia, allenamenti ed obiettivi
Grande interesse internazionale suscita la coppia Horton/Paltrinieri, insieme da Settembre a Melbourne per sperimentare nuove tipologie di allenamento. Riporto dunque…
Horton and Paltrinieri Take Their Training to New Heights Together
In September Italian Gregorio Paltrinieri decided to make a temporary move to Melbourne giving him the opportunity to train with rival and close friend Mack Horton…
Jackson Discusses the Development of Olympic Champion Mack Horton
Craig Jackson explains the training and development of Olympic champion Mack Horton who he has coached for the past eight years…
Sun Yang Reportedly Antagonizes Rival Mack Horton In Rio Warm-up Pool
Sun Yang has reportedly been involved in another warm-up ‘altercation’.
Horton Lucky to Walk Away From Car Accident With Minor Injuries
On the weekend Australian distance star Mack Horton flipped his Land Rover in a single vehicle accident…