Christian Diener

5 Big Things From Day 1 of ISL’s Match #10

It was a brutal day for win streaks. Lilly King’s 34-race win streak ended at the hands of Annie Lazor today, and we saw four more unbeaten streaks end.

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Cali Condors Choose Women’s Breaststroke for Skins; LA Current Dodge Dressel

Ryan Murphy, who sits 4th in the overall MVP standings for season 2 of the International Swimming League, will get a chance at backstroke skins on Tuesday.


International Swimming League Power Rankings: Week 4

Iron moves up our rankings… but a controversial skins choice by Energy Standard might have had a major hand in that move. We explore further.


ISL 8. Match, 2. Tag: Mit Kusch, Diener, Wierling. Live Bericht.

INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING LEAGUE 2020, 8. Match, 2. Tag Donnerstag, 05.11., 16.00 bis 18.00 Uhr Freitag, 06.11., 16.00 bis 18.00 Uhr…

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Match #8 ISL – Lo Scontro Tra Imbattuti Recap Live Risultati Day2

MATCH #8 pronto a partire a Budapest con una sfida avvincente tra due squadre finora imbattute. Chi cederà il trono? Il nostro recap

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5 Big Things From Day 1 of ISL’s Match #8

London’s Mikhail Vekovishchev out-split Caeleb Dressel twice on relays today. We run through a few more big stats from day 1.


2020 ISL Match 8 – Day 1 Live Recap

Caeleb Dressel and his Cali Condors take on the Tokyo Frog Kings, NY Breakers and London Roar for ISL Match #8 here in Budapest.


Match 8 International Swimming League Risultati Live Day 1

Match 8 on the blocks a Budapest Il nostro consueto recap live della International Swimming League aggiornato minuto per minuto

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Top 5 Swimmers In Each Event At Midway Point of ISL 2020 Regular Season

We’re just past the mid-point of the 2020 International Swimming League season, with three weeks down and two to go in the regular season.


Deutscher Schwimmverband beruft Bundeskader für 2020/2021

Am Samstag hat der Deutsche Schwimmverband auf seiner Homepage die Bundeskader für 2020/2021 veröffentlich. Aufgrund der Coronavirus-Üandemie gab es Sonder-…

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2020 ISL Match 5 – Day 2 Live Recap

Freya Anderson is up in the first event, the women’s 100 free, after 2 stellar performances in the relays for London Roar yesterday.


5 Big Things From Day 1 of ISL’s Match #5

The LA Current should continue to ride Ryan Murphy and pick the backstroke skin race… right? We have a different strategy in this week’s specific matchup.


ISL 5. Match: London Roar mit Kusch, Diener in Führung

INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING LEAGUE 2020 Freitag, 16. Oktober, 16.00 bis 18.oo Uhr Samstag, 17. Oktober, 20.00 bis 22.00 Uhr Duna Arena…

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Match #5 ISL 2020: Squadre, Programma E Gare Da Non Perdere

Anteprima 5° match di International Swimming League. Sfida al vertice tra le squadre: London Roar, LA Current, Tokyo Frog Kings e DC Trident

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5 Storylines For ISL’s Match #5: Three High-Ranked Teams Collide

It’s a battle of the backstrokers, as Ryan Murphy, Christian Diener, Guilherme Guido and Ryosuke Irie are all lined up for match #5.