2016 U.S. Olympic Trials Pools On Track To Travel To California
As planned, the 2016 U.S. Olympic Trials pools are set to arrive in the Santa Ynez Valley, California community on March 3rd.
Devin Murphy As Expert Race Club Coach In Islamorada, Florida
Devin came from Pipeline Swimming in Tampa, Florida where he coached Junior National and Junior Olympic qualifiers as well as High School State Champions and the Bosnian National Record Holder in the 50 and 100 Freestyle.
50 Days Out From Rio: A Look At The History of the Men’s Olympic 50 Free
Today marks 50 days from the start of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. So to commemorate, we’re looking back at every men’s medalist in the 50 freestyle throughout Olympic history.
5 Ways to Increase the Speed of Your Freestyle and Dolphin Kick
Practice makes perfect. You cannot develop a fast freestyle or dolphin kick without a lot of hard work. But the rewards are great. Here are five of my best tips for developing a stronger, faster kicking speed.
David Teaches Gary How to be Cool
He’s not even being ironic when he does it either. You should’ve seen Gary’s face…but seriously, Gary, the Harlem Shake?
Dave and Gary Wrestle with Stuff
Is today the day that the column makes some (some) sense? Find out for yourself, in this installment of: Point? Counter Point!
Chris Michael Joins Point? Counter Point!
Chris Michael used to make funny swim videos for a show called Chlorination. And oddly enough, he has not hit rock bottom, now working for emerging media giant Fullscreen. Which makes it unclear why he’s talking to us. Hm.
Dave and Gary…Talk About Stuff
Jason Lezak, Missy Franklin, Gary Hall Jr., Lt. Frank Drebin, Women in Combat, and – of course – Dear Abby. Yep, all of it.
Dave and Gary Discuss NCAA Rule Changes
Gary and Dave take the readers through their creative process, which creatively leads to a discussion of the NCAA and slavery. David thinks it’s their best column. Gary is disappointed with sense, and how often the column makes it.
Merry Xmas from Gary, Dave and a Special Guest
Casey Barrett is not only a guy that lives in New York, but also an emmy and peabody winning writer for NBC. And he swam in the Olympics. No, no, he’s not an annoying go-getter, actually he’s totally relatable.
Breaking News: Tarwater Replaces David on “David and Gary”
Davis Tarwater? Here? With…us? We couldn’t believe it either! Come read how badly we muck it up, you’ll hate it!
Alex Meyer Gives Hope to His Fellow Chubbers (and David)
The column that addresses the beauty and impact of swimming on self-esteem and body image. Most of the time it does this.