Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Find Out Who Swam 3.2K Butterfly In A Single Set

by Ben Dornan 16

January 31st, 2021 Lifestyle, News, TopTenTweets

We’re back with swimming’s TopTenTweets presented by Arena, where we round up the best of the swimming Twitterverse.

Featured Instagram Post of the Week:

Never go swimming without a friend.

The shot IS fire.


Look at all those lovely faces!! 🙂


Congrats folks!


Emoji Game: Strong


Dog birthdays are the best birthdays!




Are you ever afraid that someday the water just won’t let you out?


A very 2021 tweet #ZOOMlympics


Spidey Miley.


They just grow up so fast.


That 8 more 400 butterflies than I did this week.


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4 years ago

Different goals and sets for different cultures and minds.
8×400 fly = can earn you records and sixty-seven $€ digit/year.
If the equation works, why not.

Ol' Longhorn
4 years ago

Who among us hasn’t done this set? smh

Mr Piano
4 years ago

I mean, great to say that you did it, but no way it was done fast or with good technique. It just teaches you to sink your hips

Reply to  Mr Piano
4 years ago

And yet, she’s the defending World Champion.

I’d never give an athlete this set, but the Hungarians seem to have figured out how to train 200 butterfliers, even with poor technique, with this approach.

Mr Piano
Reply to  Braden Keith
4 years ago

World champion, yes, and that is impressive, but not beneficial to break into the 2:04 range. I would be shocked if Milak ever did a set like this, I highly doubt he ever did anything more than one or two repeats of 200 fly in practice. Doing like 15×200 flys and 400 flys are just old school training sets from the 80s that have been largely left behind.

Will 37
Reply to  Mr Piano
4 years ago

We can’t really understand an athlete’s training program by having small sample sets as references. Some coaches give test sets, like Gregg Troy, who I have seen him giving his mid-D swimmers sets 20×200 flys on 1:30 LCM (broken up into 3 or 4 rounds), and that is after a kick-swim combined aerobic set. Just an example, I know it is not the scariest set out there. Switching up to go high volume can never hurt the swimmers.

Last edited 4 years ago by Will 37
Reply to  Will 37
4 years ago

200 butterfly on 1:30 is impossible unless I have fallen into a time warp 100 years in the future.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Mr Piano
4 years ago

I don’t know. Mary T did some absurd butterfly sets. Put her in a tech suit, the current pools, give her an intro to dolphin kicks off the walls, and pay her as a pro, and her 80’s training and 2:05.96 from 1981 would be at least 2:02. I mean her records stood for like 20 years.

Reply to  Mr Piano
4 years ago

It’s like Bowman’s 10,000 free for time or the 30×1000 that Vendt did. It’s more about creating fearlessness and cultivating a willingness to hurt than training technique.

Mr Piano
Reply to  Jack
4 years ago

I understand and respect that, but even Bowman admitted that he never made Michael do more than a 200 fly in practice, and usually just repeats of 100s and 150s. Unlike freestyle, fly needs to be trained fast, or not at all. I’ve talked to elite butterfliers, fastest in the world, and they stressed this. Anyway I’m probably ranting too much about a simple Twitter post. Congrats to Kapas for completing the set!

Last edited 4 years ago by Mr Piano
Reply to  Jack
4 years ago

I’m sorry did you just say 30 one thousands???

M d e
Reply to  Bfunk
4 years ago

That’s like a 6 hour set. Absolutely crazy.

Reply to  Bfunk
4 years ago

That’s gotta be like…6 hours of swimming.

Which makes some sense if you’re training for the 25k in open water.

Reply to  Jack
4 years ago

Sets given only for “toughness” or “to build character” reflect a coach more interested in proving how big his/her balz are than actually helping a swimmer get better.

Dressel is going 20,7 this year in the 50 free LCM
4 years ago

What 8*400 butterfly set. Lool.

If Ben Proud was born in Hungary, He would have retired at 12 years old.


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