Katie Hoff Stars in Xarelto Commercial

Katie Hoff, a world class swimmer, is starring in a new commercial promoting Xarelto. Xarelto is best known as a blood thinner.

Hoff made her Olympic debut in the 2004 Summer Olympics at the age of 15. Four years later, she qualified for the 2008 Olympics and won 3 medals – silver in the 400 free, bronze in the 400 IM, and bronze in the 800 free.

In 2012, she missed the Olympic Team after placing 20th in the 200 and 400 free and 13th in the 800 free.

In 2014, Hoff returned to the sport of swimming after taking a hiatus in 2013 to focus on her studies at the University of Miami. In April, Hoff swam her first meet at the Arena Pro Swim Series at Mesa and swam to gold in the 200 individual medley. Hoff had planned to swim at Nationals in Irvine, California, but was forced to scratch due to health problems.

In October of 2014, doctors found that she had blood clots in her lungs, which took months to recover from. Due to her continuing health issues, Hoff announced her retirement from swimming December of 2015.

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Kenneth D Bartley
7 years ago

I have had the blood clots in my lungs, I can’t imagine someone as young as you had these so young.

Reply to  Kenneth D Bartley
7 years ago

Kristen Heiss actually spent 5 days in the hospital a couple of weeks before the 2008 Olympic Trials and still took 5th in the 200 back. THAT was amazing.

7 years ago

Good for her! It was such a shame to see her career ended due to this disorder, but it looks like she’s making the best of it!

7 years ago

She does personal training in the Chicago area with her husband. She came to theAge Group State meet to hand out medals to the kids.

Reply to  Wonkabar23
7 years ago

That’s not true

Reply to  Chi2436
7 years ago

Yes it is true. She was at regionals and age group state handing out medals. She is down as director of aquatic performance at The Labs in the Chicago area.

dude 2.0
7 years ago

I’m totally talking to my doctor about Xarelto now.

Christine Graeber
Reply to  dude 2.0
7 years ago

Don’t! Xarelto isn’t for everybody it can make you hemmorage. There are tests your doc can order before precribing to make sure you are a good candidate. Xarelto is a billion dollar money maker for Big Pharma and fudged alot in there clinical trials for approval at least thats what I read in a legal forum. Eliquis so far from what I have researched is safer. Less bleeding.

7 years ago

What is Katie doing these days?? Is she working a job? Thought she looked very thin in commercial.

Reply to  SUNY Cal
7 years ago

Doing Xarelto commercials apparently

Steve Nolan
Reply to  Ervin
7 years ago

Callback to one of my favorite “Party Down” jokes – while working as a caterer at an event, someone recognizes Adam Scott as having been in a nationwide beer commercial. Asks him the same question, “what are you up to these days?”


About Olivia McLain

Olivia McLain

My name is Olivia McLain and I was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri.  I am currently a junior at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where I am also on the UNO Women's Swim Team. I specialize in the 100 butterfly, 100 freestyle, and now that its allowed …

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