Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Imagining A Present-Day Phelps v Dressel Showdown

We’re back with your weekly dose of swimming’s TopTenTweets, where we round up the best of the swimming Twitterverse.


Seriously….. who let the dawgs out?


V O G U E.

In case you somehow missed it: Hunter Armstrong set a world record this week.


The duality of man.


And now she’s going to be a doctor!


I guess that’s the simple answer.


Who’s got your vote?


Literally, nothing prepares you for a moment like this.


Holding 66’s for 6k… just wow.


Okay, who would win this race today: Dressel doing 100 fly v Phelps doing 100 free?

Check back in next week to check out what the Twitter swimmingverse is up to!

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2 years ago

They only overlap in 100m. 50 free or fly — obviously Dressel. 200 free or fly — obviously Phelps. 100 free or fly — gotta go with Dressel.

2 years ago

Phelps and lochte could both come back if they did USRPT. That’s what Nicholas Santos does

Reply to  Sqimgod
2 years ago

USRPT as we’ve seen hasn’t boded so well for the longer events Phelps does. He’d probably have to focus on the 100 free and fly, maybe 200 free and fly or IM

2 years ago

Phelps is the 🐐 no arguing that….. the things he’s done in and for the sport of swimming is 🙌🙌 but even in his prime lets say the 100fly(being the only event they have in common) or even the 100free Dressel wins Everytime
And with a present day Phelps dressel will have him beat in any event chosen…… Phelps said it….. you miss a day you need 2days to catch up back
Unless he’s been training everyday planning a come back cause like can he come back now🥺🙏

2 years ago

Phelps should come out of retirement and show these kids up

2 years ago

Mike would need atleast 6 months of legit training to have a shot at 49 mid in a 100 free. He seems like he’s still in good shape tho

Reply to  Pvdh
2 years ago

6? nah I’d argue give him a month of speed training and 49 mid is do able for him doing freestyle (thats the question). like you said hes in shape, seen on his IG looks like he has more muscle than before, and a talent that high he doesn’t lose the feel of the water. technique might be dodgy, for his standard, but one month is my time frame for him to whip that back.

I’ve helped out at camps with former olympians and we have had a race at the end, for fun but still competitive, some of those olympians haven’t trained in months, sometimes years. still “in the water” but not training. can still absolutely fly. with MP,… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by mcmflyguy
Reply to  mcmflyguy
2 years ago

He has literally said he lost a ton of feel for the water when he came back in 2014

Reply to  Pvdh
2 years ago

to his standard of feel yes he did. but to get a 49.5 100 free. nah. we mere mortals find it hard to believe but I’ve seen what those guys can do, even “out of shape” and not even training. I’ve seen first hand a retired athlete still compete better than current athletes after 2 years of not training at all.

Reply to  mcmflyguy
2 years ago

Agree. In fact, this happens commonly among elite swimmers but we don’t want to/can’t believe it when it happens. We usually explain it away…except that it keeps happening and there’s probably a good physiologic reason for it that we haven’t embraced yet.

Reply to  mcmflyguy
2 years ago

He’s also 6 years removed from the last time he swam competitively and in his mid 30s. I think you’re underestimating what it takes. Especially for him who, in textile peaked at 48 low.

2 years ago

MP is a 200, 400 swimmer who was able to stretch down to the 100. CD best distances are 50 and 100.and his 200 are not world class

There's no doubt that he's tightening up
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

He once broke the 100 fly WR splitting 25.1, 26.3 lol

Max Hardie
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Agree 100%. Phelps would still beat Dressel in 100 back, not sure the outcome in 100 breast. Of course at his peak.

2 years ago

I dont see phelps doing a 49.4 in the free right now without soe serious training. Dressel would probably win that showdown

Mr Piano
Reply to  GrameziPT
2 years ago

Eh he’s in fairly decent shape rn. I bet if he does some USRPT or something he could get there in like 3 months. Brent Hayden proved it was possible a couple years ago.

Samuel Huntington
Reply to  Mr Piano
2 years ago

Hayden got to 47.9. Phelps could get to 49.4 in 1 month I’m guessing. I see him on social media and it looks like he’s in great shape.

Reply to  Samuel Huntington
2 years ago

I’m guessing you are joking but otherwise you are making a 49 sound way too easy lmao

Reply to  Notanyswimmer
2 years ago

MP “finds your lack of faith disturbing.”

May the fourth. gotta get my starwars puns and quotes in.

Mr Piano
Reply to  Samuel Huntington
2 years ago

Well it took Hayden a couple years to get back to 47, only a few months to get 49.

Reply to  GrameziPT
2 years ago

At this very moment Phelps is not breaking 50.

Give him a few months then maybe

C’mon mike, prove me wrong. Duel in the pool?

Steve Nolan
Reply to  GrameziPT
2 years ago

Well, it said today. Dressel ain’t got a sub50 in him any old day, I don’t think.

Idk if Phelps on Day 0 is more likely to be 50.mid than he is to be 49.mid after a month. Feels oddly equally likely.

Last edited 2 years ago by Steve Nolan
Reply to  Steve Nolan
2 years ago

I like the “I dont think” made me giggle cause I feel the same way.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
2 years ago

Phelps, if he put suit on right now, would go 50.7 or higher
