Thomas Bach

Tokyo 2020 Organizers Starting To Look At Alternative Options For Olympics

The organizers for the 2020 Games have started to explore different options in preparation for the Olympics not running as originally scheduled.


El presidente del COI: “la cancelación de los Juegos no está en nuestra agenda”

El presidente del COI, Thomas Bach, declaró que de momento no contemplan la cancelación de los Juegos y que están trabajando en posibles soluciones.

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Presidente CIO: La Cancellazione Delle Olimpiadi Non E’ In Agenda

Il Presidente del CIO afferma che la cancellazione delle Olimpiadi non è in agenda. Non si può spostare un tale evento che porterebbe via il sogno olimpico

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IOC President Thomas Bach Says Olympic Cancellation Is “Not on the Agenda”

IOC president Thomas Bach said the organization began to explore creative ways to solve some of the problems that could be brought by an Olympic postponement.


IOC Chef Thomas Bach hält Olympia “Absage für die am wenigsten faire Lösung”

In einem Interview mit dem Südwestdeutschen Rundfunk am heutigen Tage sagte IOC Präsident Dr. Thomas Bach zu dem immer größer…

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Swimming Canada CEO Issues Statement Supporting Olympic Postponement

Ahmed El-Awadi “is very much aligned with many of the points” made by USA Swimming CEO Tim Hinchey regarding postponing the 2020 Olympics for one year.

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IOC Chair Kirsty Coventry: “Athletes Want The Olympic Games To Continue”

Kirsty Coventry, IOC Athletes Committee Chair, gave the details pertaining to a call that took place yesterday. She says athletes want the Olympics in July.


Comitato Olimpico Internazionale Conferma Olimpiadi Tokyo 2020

Il Comitato Olimpico Internazionale ha confermato le Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 e rilascia le indicazioni per le procedure di qualifica

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CIO Discute Oggi L’Impatto Del Coronavirus Su Olimpiadi Tokyo

Il CIO discuterà oggi in una conference call l’evoluzione della situazione relativa al COVID-19 ed a come potrebbe influire sulle Olimpiadi di Tokyo.

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IOC to Discuss 2020 Olympics and Qualifiers with Int’l Federations on Tuesday

IOC president Thomas Bach has convened a conference call with international federations on Tuesday, March 17th to discuss the 2020 Olympic Games.


IOC President Assures Athletes Coronavirus Will Not Impact Olympic Timeline

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach wrote to potential Olympic athletes in an email today addressing concerns over the coronavirus.


IOC President Pledges $10 Million To Four-Part Anti-Doping Action Plan

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has announced a $10 million action plan against doping, broken into four parts.

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As Bidding to Host the Olympic Games Loses Popularity, IOC Contemplates Change

While the IOC has devised reforms to almost every aspect of the Games, it is still working to change aspects of the host selection procedure.


Doping Network Linked To 21 Athletes Around The World

A total of 21 athletes from three winter sports and two summer sports were connected to an “internationally active doping network” back in late March.


Sony Pictures Networks India to Broadcast Olympic Games

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today announced that Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN) has been awarded the broadcast rights in India and the Subcontinent for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, as well as the Winter Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020.

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