Svetlana Chimrova

International Swimming League Match 4 Giorno 2 Recap Live Con Risultati

International Swimming League. Parte da Budapest il giorno 2 del match 4 della seconda stagione, seguite con noi le avvincenti gare

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2020 ISL Match 4 – Day 1 Live Recap

Get ready for match 4 of the ISL, as the Cali Condors, Iron, NY Breakers and DC Trident try to make a dent in the overall league standings.


2020 ISL Match 1 – Day 2 Live Recap

Day 2 of the inaugural weekend of ISL racing in Budapest will kick off at 8PM local time.


5 Storylines To Watch At ISL’s 2020 Season-Opener

The league’s best medley relays will collide in match #1, and we’ve got a chance to see some non-free stars like Ryan Murphy in a skin race.


Andrei Minakov Rattles Personal-Best In 100 Free to Open Russia Cup

Andrei Minakov, the 2019 World Junior Champion in the 100 free, won that race on Friday at the 2020 Russia Cup, swimming within 3-tenths of his lifetime best.


Los NY Breakers se concentrarán en Turquía además de ampliarse a una 2ª base

El equipo anunció en un comunicado de prensa que organizará una concentración de dos semanas en el Gloria Sports Arena en el suroeste de Turquía.

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New York Breakers ISL Si Allenerà In Turchia. Possibile Collegiale In Italia

I New York Breakers stanno preparando la seconda stagione ISL pianificando un collegiale di allenamento in Turchia, alla Gloria Sports Arena

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NY Breakers Hosting Team Camp In Turkey, Setting Up 2 Year-Round Training Bases

Tthe NY Breakers will create two year-round training bases in Europe and in San Diego, along with a team training camp in Turkey before the coming ISL season.


Atleti D’Elite Russi Iniziano Il Secondo Collegiale In Isolamento

Gli atleti d’elite russi hanno iniziato il secondo collegiale di allenamento sul Lago Krugloye che si svolge rispettando le norme dell’isolamento

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Russian National Team Begins 2nd Camp at Krugloye Lake, This Time with NT Coach

World Champion Evgeny Rylov (above) is among the participants in the 2nd camp. Sergey Chepik, the National Team head coach, will join for the 2nd training.

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World Champions Chupkov, Rylov Among 40 At Russian Training Camp June 5-22

World Champs gold medalists Anton Chupkov and Evgeny Rylov are among the big names at Russia’s National Team training camp this month in Krugloye Lake.


Nazionale Russa In Collegiale: Tutti Negativi Al Test COVID-19

La Nazionale Russa è in collegiale a Krugloye Lake. Tutti gli atleti sono risultati negativi ai testi per il coronavirus COVID-19.

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All Participants at Russian National Team Camp Test Negative for Coronavirus

The negative tests has allowed the participants in the camp to officially return to the water and resume training at Lake Krugloye. Above, World Championship bronze medalist Daria Vaskina.


Nazionale Russa In Collegiale, In Quarantena In Attesa Dei Test

La nazionale russa inizia il collegiale di allenamento. I partecipanti sono stati messi in quarantena in attesa dei risultati dei test per il Coronavirus

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Russians in Quarantine as Training Camp Begins at Krugloye Lake

Svetlana Chimrova (above) and Worlds bronze medalist Daria Vaskina are among the swimmers who have been confirmed for attendance at the camp.

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