Mewen Tomac

Metella’s 52.8 100 Fly Prelim Shows Shoulder Recovery Promise

Mehdy Metella was in the water during day 1 prelims of these 2020 French Elite Championships, with the 28-year-old putting his shoulder to the test.


El Galo Mewen Tomac Bate Dos Plusmarcas Nacionales De Edad En Dos Días

Tras una primera noche de finales de estrellato, Tomac volvió a imponerse, en esta ocasión en el hectómetro de espalda, logrando así el récord galo de edades.

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2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 3 Finals Live Recap

We’re entering the final day of competition at this 2020 Sette Colli, which has been one thrilling string of races here in Rome.


Récord mundial junior de Benedetta Pilato y magnífico segundo día en Roma

La nadadora de 15 años supera una histórica marca de Ruta Meilutyte, vigente durante 7 temporadas, y también alcanza el récord absoluto italiano.

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2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 2 Finals Live Recap

Italy’s 200 fly ace Federico Burdisso will be in the water on day 2 of this year’s Sette Colli Trophy, which doubles as the national championships.


Mewen Tomac Hits 2nd French Age Record In As Many Days – 53.29 100 Back

While competing on day 2 of the 2020 Sette Colli Trophy, 18-year-old Mewen Tomac of France put up the fastest 100m backstroke of his life….by a lot.

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El Campeonato Italiano inicia con récord de Gabriele Detti en los 400 libre

El medallista olímpico y mundial es el atleta más destacado en la primera jornada del Trofeo Settecolli, que marca el regreso de la competición en Italia.

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2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 1 Finals Live Recap

World champion Simona Quadarella is just one of the elite Italian swimmers ready to rumble in Rome at this year’s Sette Colli Trophy.


Rising Frenchman Mewen Tomac Destroys Age Record With 24.88 50 Back

While competing day 1 of the 2020 Sette Colli, visiting French teenager Mewen Tomac put up a new National Age Record in the men’s 50m backstroke.


2020 Sette Colli Start Lists: Koch Ready To Race, Romanchuk Out

24-year-old Mykhailo Romanchuk was set to battle Italy’s Gregorio Paltrinieri in the men’s 1500m free at Sette Colli, but will now no longer be competing.


French Swimmer Théo Bussière Finds Positivity In Olympic Postponement

The 25-year-old French breaststroker shared his positivity on the Olympic postponement and how it will impact himself and his teammates.


Baker Busts Out Near-Lifetime Best 200 IM To Open FFN Golden Tour – Nice

America’s Kathleen Baker put on a show during the women’s 200m IM, putting up the 2nd best time of her career while competing in Nice.


Golden Tour Camille Muffat 2020 Al Via Oggi. Premi Per Le Batterie

Il Golden Tour 2020 si svolgerà a partire da oggi, 7 Febbraio nella piscina Jean Bouin in memoria della medaglia olimpica Camille Muffat

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2020 FFN Golden Tour Nice: Heat Swim $ Forfeited If Athletes Scratch Finals

Swimmers at the FFN Golden Tour this weekend in Nice will only get paid if they carry over their heats appearances to the finals.

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Florent Manaudou Swims 20.6 to Win 50 Free at French National Championships

Florent Manaudou has held his taper through from the European Championships, swimming his 2nd-best time of the season.