Trofeo Milano: Laszlo Cseh Vince Su Le Clos- Francesca Fangio Record
TROFEO CITTA’ DI MILANO 2019 Venerdì 01 Marzo – Domenica 03 Marzo Milano – Piscina Samuele Vasca Lunga 50 metri…
Trofeo Città Di Milano-Start List Programma E Diretta Venerdì 1 Marzo
TROFEO CITTA’ DI MILANO 2019 Venerdì 01 Marzo – Domenica 03 Marzo Milano – Piscina Samuele Vasca Lunga 50 metri…
Olympians Flock To Trofeo Citta Di Milano This Weekend
South African Olympian Chad Le Clos produced 3 meet records at the Trofeo Cittá di Milano in 2018 and is slated to race again there this weekend.
Trofeo Città Di Milano: Ci Sarà Anche Katinka Hosszu
Trofeo città DI MILANO 2019 Venerdì 01 Marzo – Domenica 03 Marzo Milano – Piscina Samuele Vasca Lunga 50 metri…
La FINA revela las estrellas que participarán en la Champions Series
Katinka Hosszu, Ryan Murphy y Sarah Sjostrom son solo algunas de las estrellas que han sido confirmadas para la FINA Champions Series. La FINA ha revelado una lista completa de los nadadores que estarán esta primavera en esta nueva competición.
FINA Drops Star-Studded Participant List for 2019 Champions Series
FINA announced an extensive list of American and international stars confirmed for the inaugural Champions Series Friday.
Italiani In Forma A Ginevra. Burdisso e Ceccon Show Con Meet Record
2019 GENEVA INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE MEET Venerdì 18 – Domenica 20 Gennaio Ginevra, Svizzera Vasca Lunga, 50 metri Sito web Start…
Federico Burdisso Wipes Out Laszlo Cseh Geneva Challenge Record
Both Italian young guns Federico Burdisso and Thomas Ceccon were in the pool on the final night of action in Geneva, Switzerland and each came away with his own record to wrap up the competition.
Ginevra: Record Per Burdisso, Ceccon E Fusco. Bene Di Liddo Nei 100Fa
2019 GENEVA INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE MEET Venerdì 18 – Domenica 20 Gennaio Ginevra, Svizzera Vasca Lunga, 50 metri Sito web Start…
Joe Schooling To Train In Singapore For 2020 Olympics: GMM presented by
Joe Schooling will be heading back home to Singapore to focus on and train for the 2020 Olympic Games.
42 sur la liste d’ISL qui défient les menaces d’interdiction de la FINA
42 grands noms de la natation ont signé un contrat avec ISL (communiqués par la Ligue) et sont donc censés être présents à Turin.
Top Teilnehmerliste bisher für Energy for Swim: Peaty, Sjöström, Hosszu
Die Liste der Athleten, die am Energy for Swim teilnehmen möchten und auch Verträge unterzeichnet haben, wächst weiter. Und dies,…
Now & Then Part Two: More Of Your Favorite Swimmers’ Evolution In Pics
Ben Proud wasn’t born as the British beast he is today. Take a look at his early years in our Now & Then: Part Two.
World Champion Laszlo Cseh to Compete at Energy for Swim 2018
World Champion Laszlo Cseh has been confirmed as a participant for Energy for Swim 2018
Historie: Das eigentlich perfekte Ende von Michael Phelps Karriere
Für die Karriere des erfogreichsten Olympioniken aller Zeiten schien die Goldmedaille über 100 m Schmetterling bei den Olympischen Spielen in…