How NC State Captured Its 2nd ACC Women’s Title in the Last 3 Years



1. North Carolina State Universit   1353   
2. Virginia, University of          1282
3. Louisville, University of        1146   
4. Notre Dame, University of       909.5
5. Duke University                   764   
6. Florida State University          727
7. North Carolina, University of,  700.5   
8. VA Tech                         477.5
9. Georgia Institute of Technolog    360  
10. Pittsburgh, University of         334
11. University of Miami (Florida)   293.5  
12. Boston College                    154

In what was anticipated to be a fierce and tight battle for the Women’s ACC crown, NC State pulled off a moderately comfortable win over runner-up Virginia, and a pretty big win over 3rd place Louisville. NC State had our #5 freshmen class going into this year, and boy, did they deliver. That’s not to say the freshmen were the one thing that allowed NC State to take the title, because the Wolfpack was strong up and down the roster.

Here is a breakdown of individual points by class:

  • Freshmen – 250
  • Sophomore – 367.5
  • Junior – 285
  • Senior – 155

The Wolfpack was pretty evenly distributed through the classes, with the senior class being clearly the lowest scoring class. In defense of the senior class, there were only 4 seniors competing for the team at this meet, marking a 38.75 average score for each senior swimmer. That compares to a 50-point average for the freshmen, 47.19 average for sophomores, and 52 average for juniors. The gap doesn’t look quite as drastic when broken down in that way.

NC State won a total of 3 relays and 8 inidividual events. On top of that, they posted a mind-blowing 1-2-3-4 finish in the 400 IM, and a 1-2-3-5 finish in the 1650. Freshman Sophie Hansson was NC State’s leading scorer, racking up 90 points on her own, including 2 event titles and a 4th place finish in the 200 IM. With the majority of NC State’s points coming from their underclassmen, the future is bright for the Wolfpack.

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2 Cents
6 years ago

No one is asking the tough question here…. between NCSU and UVA, did either hold anything back for NCAAs? I think Louisville held something back, even if it was just Comerford… but who will place higher at NC’s??? I have no opinion yet, other than Louisville will get at least 3 A finalists… but still might finish 3rd of the teams. Let the debate begin!!!

ACC fan
Reply to  2 Cents
6 years ago

For NC STATE neither Perry, Hanson nor Haan we’re shaved or fully rested. All three already had times that will be invited. Bodes well for some individual A finals and CRAZY FAST medley relays!

2 Cents
Reply to  ACC fan
6 years ago

So you are saying their 3 best performers were not rested or “shaved”?? That would be amazing if you are right, but I do not expect them to drop much time at NCs

ACC fan
Reply to  2 Cents
6 years ago

That’s what I’m saying. I was at the meet and spoke to those in the know. of course they will drop time when they shave. Why would you think otherwise?

2 Cents
Reply to  ACC fan
6 years ago

Just curious. I know typically men drop more time from in season swims or when they fully rest as compared to women (usually a direct correlation with muscle mass/fatigue). If you are right, there might and should be some drop, but I would not expect it to be on the same level as their men’s team. Plus, I would assume the women rested more overall than the men will since they were in a real fight to win whereas the men should easily win. Something of a “hangover” effect too possibly.

the black line
6 years ago

unrelated but has anyone seen Coach Braden’s most recent instagram post? It had me dying. Threw so much shade at UVA

Reply to  the black line
6 years ago

Can you please share the link?

the black line
Reply to  Master
6 years ago
6 years ago

work ethic and recruiting aside, nc state knows how to get things done when needed and UVA clearly knows how to motivate them… #spitinyourownlanenexttime (maybe then you won’t get last)

Reply to  w(h)[email protected]
6 years ago

The poor girl spits in her own lane for goodluck, Braden’s post was completely unnecessary

Reply to  Saucy
6 years ago

People need to get a new superstition. Spitting is gross. If you insist upon spitting before every race, and someone misinterprets that…you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself.

REMEMBER: Superstitions aren’t actually real.

Reply to  Saucy
6 years ago

She definitely turned her head purposefully toward Muzzy’s lane….

Reply to  Poptart
6 years ago

Why would she purposefully do it in someone else’s lane if she knew she was on camera?

Reply to  Saucy
6 years ago

go to espn and rewatch the 200 back final, there’s no way it was an accident. uva had bad sportsmanship the entire meet, nearly refused to shake hands after they lost the title

Whats in the mix
Reply to  Poptart
6 years ago

I’m just glad to hear Braden allows pee breaks during practice!

2 Cents
Reply to  w(h)[email protected]
6 years ago

Hmm… wonder why this page is no longer available?? Deleted perhaps? Probably a bad look for Holloway to keep that up.

6 years ago

To be fair, in my mind the number one reason state won this year was because DeSorbo lost a year of recruiting. The timing of his hire (not his fault) was awful. The way recruiting works now the majority of top end talent had committed.

This is not to take away from States excellent swimming nor Dino. Dino is obviously all time topm10 guy with distance/IM and it showed.

But on a purely number basis, I think it’s safe to say had DeSeorbo been hired earlier they would have had 1-2 more top end recruits replacing their 14th and 15th place swimmers. Not a slam dunk win, State swam great, but a huge factor.

Ok dude
Reply to  Crusty
6 years ago

Riiiiiiight that’s why they won…..

Reply to  Crusty
6 years ago

Give me a break. The number one reason State won this year is Dino and his distance squad, not because of “DeSorbo lost a year of recruiting”.

6 years ago

Really, you all should learn some math and look at the facts. Dino is a great coach but the Accs two weakest events are the 4IM and Mile. Do you not think Gary Taylor would have gotten those swimmers to similar point total? I’m
Not saying times, I’m saying point totals. The ACC was wide open in those events. He would have. Now times…that’s a different story and you can argue Dino’s effect if they back it up at ncaas

From a purely number perspective, two great teams swimming well, the team that lost a swimmer or two from a partial recruiting year is going to suffer. Every swimmer counts.

Hey I have no loyalty here…I’m a UNC fan…I’m… Read more »

Reply to  Crusty
6 years ago

TBH Crusty, uva’s women’s freshman look pretty good, even after you consider the “late to the game” effect of DeSorbo … totally agree with you re: 4IM & Distance

6 years ago

And don’t forget 1,2,3,5 in the 1650

Pack Mack
6 years ago

Next years NC State FR class has the potential to outscore this years FR. Both NC State & UVA are recruiting at a high level. Lots of of good competition to come in the future between two good schools.

Reply to  Pack Mack
6 years ago

Agreed, we may see a lot more finals like the 200 back where almost all the finalist are from those two teams. UNC only had rwo finalist the entire meet.

Reply to  Wahooswimfan
6 years ago

And with comerford gone next year Louisville drops way off.

samuel huntington
Reply to  Queeny
6 years ago

Louisville also has a great class coming in – they aren’t going anywhere imo

Reply to  samuel huntington
6 years ago

While the article mentions that NCST loses 155 Sr. Points, Louisville only loses 166 points while UVA only loses 125…

Reply to  Pack Mack
6 years ago

It appears that next years recruiting class has NCST with the #3 recruit, and UVA with the #2,8,11,19 recruits, while Louisville has none in the top 20… While it is about depth, Todd’s 1st full year recruiting class looks great. This includes the top 50 Free, 400 IM, and 1500 swimmers – they will fill in the holes from this years team individually and relays making it an even more competitive ACC meet for first next year!

Reply to  WahooWa83
6 years ago

Louisville has a monster 2020 class though. Tristen Ulett, Gabi Albiero, and Paige Hetrick are all committed to Louisville already.

We’re definitely seeing a regional shift, I think. While the west coast teams are definitely still getting theirs, more-and-more midwest and east coast and southern kids are staying closer to home. Makes for more parity, which is awesome for the sport.

Reply to  Braden Keith
6 years ago

And will be interesting to see how Va Tech, FSU fare – both have coaches just getting started at their school, yet with great facilities you would expect them to join the fray too.

Reply to  Wahooswimfan
6 years ago

Going to be a fun few years in the ACC at 5 teams deep. Recruiting the mid Atlantic is about to get really intense.

Reply to  Braden Keith
6 years ago

NC State’s new AD’s position on swimming and non-revenue sports in general could have a big impact. Debbie Yow took a school with mediocre results but a big focus on the “big 3” sports befitting its traditional more rural support base and turned it into a broad based power improving in Directors Cup through sports like swimming, cross-country, and wrestling. Braden is an alum and loves State. He also makes half of Bauerle and $100K less than Durden who just coaches men and probably less than Gary Taylor does now. They need to decide to show him the money to shut down the conversation and make them a generational power or else the question will always be out there. DeSorbo… Read more »

Reply to  JerryMcGuire
6 years ago

There’s a few positions out there that I think will be opening up in the next 5 or so years that are going to make a lot of ADs at schools like NC State, UVA, Louisville have to make very big decisions about their head coaches. Cal women I think might be open sooner than everyone expects. Texas men. Georgia combined, which is the highest-paid job in the country right now (although I have to believe Stefanie Moreno is going to get that position).

Auburn cut their payscale (though it’s still a very high-paying job), so I think that saved a lot of programs from losing their coaches.

Pack Mack
Reply to  JerryMcGuire
6 years ago

Coach Holloway received a raise in 2018. The new AD has to address the diving and swimming facilities at State and increase pay because they know Texas could be knocking on Braden’s door soon.

Reply to  Pack Mack
6 years ago

Debbie Yow (#1packfan) just tweeted vaguely about upgrades coming in 19-20. Guess she read your post.

Reply to  Braden Keith
6 years ago


6 years ago

Holloway + Beradino = ACC TITLES

Reply to  SaintJoseph
6 years ago

Holloway, Bernadino, AND Guntoro. You cant overlook what Bobby has done with the sprint women like Calegan, Perry, Rowe and his help with Hansson.

The whole coaching staff is top notch for any stroke discipline or distance you could want.

Reply to  NCSU Fan
6 years ago

If you’re going to talk about the women’s sprint success this season you can’t overlook the contributions of Brandt Nigro. He took lead with Calegan this season (1:01.1 to 59.4) and was behind Rowe’s improvements freshman year (23.2 to 22.0). Team effort by a great staff, but Nigro has a history of developing his swimmers to a high level as well. Bobby and Brandt make a great coaching combo.

Sweetie T
Reply to  VisitingCoach
6 years ago

That is the best statement made Bobby was one of the main reasons for Brandt’s move to NCSTATE in addition to Braden and the entire make up the the team success great future ahead keep your eye on him

Pack Mack
Reply to  SaintJoseph
6 years ago

They already won ACC titles before Dino joined the Pack. The goal is to move up from 4th in NCAA’s now and in the future.

Virginia Fan
Reply to  SaintJoseph
6 years ago

Holloway+DeSorbo+Taylor+Houchin+Guntoro = ACC Title

Reply to  Virginia Fan
6 years ago

haha funny how 3 of those people weren’t there this year, yet the women still won the title…

2 Cents
Reply to  blahblah
6 years ago

Also funny how none of the State fans know how to spell Bernardino. smh

The Wolf of Raleigh
6 years ago

This article could be summed up in a few words:

Superior Coaching Staff
Better Work Ethic
Stronger under pressure


Reply to  The Wolf of Raleigh
6 years ago


Reply to  The Wolf of Raleigh
6 years ago

R u on the pool deck at each school? Who r u to comment better work ethic?

The Wolf of Raleigh
Reply to  Wahoowah
6 years ago

Not saying UVA don’t work hard, just saying they don’t work as hard as NC State. Thus the result of this years ACC’s championship. You don’t think the hardest working team won? Or are you so naive to believe the hardest working team didn’t win? Please keep your ignorant comments to yourself.


Reply to  The Wolf of Raleigh
6 years ago

How do u know. Dumb comment

2 Cents
Reply to  Wahoowah
6 years ago

Agree. VERY DUMB!! Wouldn’t the team that “worked harder” have swam through the meet and not tapered? The team that worked the hardest still did 10k yards in their workout on Tuesday/Wednesday before the meet???

Point being, your comment is beyond moronic.

The Wolf of Raleigh
Reply to  Wahoowah
6 years ago

Or do you think UVA has a better work ethic than NC State but still ended up losing to them? LOL on you for admitting that.

UVA fans crack me up!

Reply to  The Wolf of Raleigh
6 years ago

Everyone on earth in the swimming community knows work ethic doesn’t always equate to winning. Even though you have no right to comment on the matter unless ur on the pool decks at the schools ur comparing work ethic to.

Sometimes taper timing, talent, and other factors affect times just as much as work ethic.

Step back man.