Faster than Phelps: Kristof Milak Breaks True World Junior Record


While competing at the 2017 European Junior Championships in Netanya, Israel, Hungarian teenager Kristof Milak absolutely crushed a new meet record, European Junior Record and World Junior Record all in one monster 200m butterfly final. Leading up to tonight’s swim, Milak, who is 17 years of age as of this meet, had previously posted speedy outings of 1:58.69 in prelims followed by a 1:56.69 mark in semi-finals to give us a hint of what was yet to come.

Tonight, Milak cranked out a wicked-fast time of 1:53.79 to easily win gold by about 5 solid seconds, while also surpassing the meet record mark of 1:55.82 held by Hungarian countryman Bence Biczo since 2010. Milak’s performance also checks-in as the new European Junior Record, having surpassed the target time of 1:54.79 set by the LEN at the establishment of this record category.

His time also surpassed the previous World Junior Record mark of 1:55.37 that’s only been on the books since April. Japan’s Nao Horomura clocked that time at the 2017 Japan Swim, splitting 54.94/1:00.43. Tonight’s splits for Milak consisted of an oppressive opening 100m of 53.24, followed by a solid 1:00.55 closing back-half.

Even among the record book-breaking accolades Milak just collected, perhaps the most impressive attribute his performance rendered was beating the time Michael Phelps produced back when he was just 17 years of age. At the 2002 U.S. Nationals, a 17-year-old Phelps clocked a 200m butterfly time of 1:54.86.

Additionally, at the 2003 World Championships when Phelps was 18 years of age, he owned the event in a time of 1:53.93, what many consider to be the ‘true’ World Junior Record. Milak just took over that important milestone with his eye-popping 1:53.79, becoming the fastest teen by .14.

Milak now ranks as the 2nd fastest man in the world in the event this season, sitting mere hundredths behind Olympic silver medalist Masato Sakai of Japan.

2016-2017 LCM MEN 200 FLY

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7 years ago

50 free Can’t find it (at least over 21.88)
100 free 47.58 Chalmers, Kyle Jun 25, 1998 18 Australia Aug 6, 2016 1st 2016 Olympic Games Rio
200 free 1:43.90 Izotov, Danila Oct 2, 1991 17 Russia Jul 28, 2009 3rd 2009 World Championships Roma
400 free 3:40.59 Thorpe, Ian Oct 13, 1982 17 Australia Sep 15, 2000 1st 2000 Olympic Games Sydney
1500 free 14:46.84 Sun, Yang Dec 1, 1991 17 China Aug 2, 2009 3rd 2009 World Championships Roma

50 back Can’t find it
100 back 53.38 Murphy, Ryan F. Jul 2, 1995 17 Bolles School Sharks Jun 28, 2013 3rd 2013 USA National Championships
200 back 1:54.77 Irie, Ryosuke Jan 24,… Read more »

Reply to  Emanuele
7 years ago

50 free no Suits is Sedov 21,84 on 2015, but I Think Dotto or Orsi went faster than that on Suits.
50 breast Marthineghi 26,97 if the JRW I think
Sedov has a 23,28 50 fly.. JRW probably too
50 ack don´t know for sure, maybe Kolesnikov 24,94?

Reply to  Rafael
7 years ago

No, with the rules of the WJR (can’t explain really well in english but in example: if you are born in 2000 you have time until 31 dicember 2018 to beat the record) Sedov, Dotto, Orsi and Dressel didn’t beat the WJR.
Like I said the true 50 free WJR is at least 21.89.

Reply to  Emanuele
7 years ago

21,89 from? Sedov was 21,98 in the year he turned 18.

Reply to  Rafael
7 years ago

I repeat, I don’t know who has the true WJR. The only thing I know (from the list I found) is that no eligible swimmer did better than 21.88.

Reply to  Rafael
7 years ago

Caeleb dressel was 18 when he went 21.5

Reply to  Jayboo
7 years ago

Was in 2015, he turned 19 that year so not eligible

7 years ago

By the way today is the Goat’s birthday. Happy birthday, one of your records got broken.

phelps swims 200 breast rio
Reply to  Swimmer?
7 years ago


7 years ago

Sjostrom just went 27.81 in the 50back as Swedish nationals.

Reply to  john26
7 years ago

and 1:56.44 in the 200free

Reply to  john26
7 years ago

If only she had a functioning breaststroke… Even without it she could throw down a nasty IM

Reply to  john26
7 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if she could drop a 2:09 anytime

Reply to  john26
7 years ago

I’m sure she can swim 2:09 NOW.

Reply to  john26
7 years ago

26.8 fly
33 back
40 breast
29.5 free
2:09.3 200m IM for Sjostrom
if she could swim breaststroke she would be under 2:07

Reply to  nick
7 years ago

this is prediction, not the actual result

7 years ago


7 years ago

I hope Swimswam, soon will make article and list about this “True” World Junior Records, and compare them to the “FINA’s version” of World Junior Records. ?

IMs for days
7 years ago

He split
For comparison in 2003 phelps split
In Rio his compatriot Kendersi split

He really blasted out the first 100, he would have been in first in rio at the 50 and the 100. Maybe his last could have been faster too, as his closest competitor was more than 3 seconds behind him.

Reply to  IMs for days
7 years ago

I’ve come home faster on that last 50 and the final time was a 2:00.

That’s some CRAZY early speed. Expect to see him continue to improve as he figures out his pacing and possibly builds up that endurance.

Reply to  flyguy200
7 years ago

I don´t think he may need to pace.. he just need some endurace.. expect his 100 to be crazy too..

7 years ago

Wow that’s amazing

7 years ago

God damn. Faster than every American, born in 2000? Hungary have a 1-2 200fly future with Kenderesi & Milak.

Hugely impressive for Britain: We sent our Junior “b’ team to Euro Jr’s, and they have posted huge PBs across the board, stepped up great guns. 2 golds tonight was a great effort, and Schlosshan becomes the third 2001 born British girl under a minute thus year. Big pool of talent building in that event. How many nations have 3 girls born in 2001 in the 59s 100fly?

Reply to  Dee
7 years ago

Scrap that second part, I commented on the incorrect article. No disrespect to Mr Milak for discussing others on a thoroughly deserved article focussed on his huge talent.

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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