Yoga for Swimmers Strength Practice: Core Stability
This yoga for swimmers class will help you develop core stability, which can improve your efficiency in the water and prevent injury…
Growth During Quarantine with University of Lynchburg Swimming
While most of the world has ground to a halt, the University of Lynchburg swimming is using the opportunity to find growth.
5 Things You Can’t Control in the Pool (and What to Focus on Instead)
Are you spending your energy and focus on the right things in the water? Give your performance a boost by investing your effort in the right areas.
Turn Your Setbacks Into Comebacks
Setbacks and failures are a natural part of the upwards trajectory of our swimming. What will your reaction be when setbacks happen to you in the pool?
Yoga for Swimmers: Focusing on the Fundamentals
In this article you will learn how to develop a strong, safe and effective yoga for swimmers practice by focusing on the fundamentals…
Michael Andrew Posts Vlog Describing His Breakout Meet in Des Moines
Michael Andrew swam three lifetime bests at the 2020 Pro Swim Series in Des Moines a couple weekends ago and his new vlog gave us behind the scenes.
Free Online Yoga Classes for Swimmers
With many individuals without a place to train Swimming-Specific Yoga is offering two months (ending May 31st) of free online yoga classes for swimmers.
10 Things Swimmers Can Do for Exceptional Team Culture
Great culture can help produce great performances. Here’s how you, the elite-minded swimmer, can do your part to create exceptional team culture.
7 Things You Can Do Today for a Better Practice Tomorrow
Here are 7 simple things that you can do today or tonight to make sure tomorrow’s practice goes down like a cool glass of success.
Training Blocks: A Week With Todd Desorbo & Kate Douglass At Virginia
We connected with University of Virginia head coach Todd Desorbo, who provided workouts from UVA’s training plan with star freshman Kate Douglass.
Want to Be Mentally Tougher This Season? Sleep More
Mental toughness isn’t just about being more gritty than the next swimmer; it’s about taking care of yourself between practices.
Training Blocks: A Week With Ray Looze & the Indiana Pro Group
Training Blocks: workouts from top college & pro training groups over the course of a week, to see how the top minds in our sport build a training block.
Jon Sieben and the Power of Rocking the Underdog Mindset
17-year old Jon Sieben pulled off one of the greatest upsets in swimming history at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Here’s how it went down.
Tired of Choking on Race Day? This Book Can Help
You’ve worked hard in practice all season. Here’s how to maximize your hard work and commitment on race day when the pressure is on.
Yoga for Swimmers – Creating a Strong Cross-Body Connection
These seven yoga poses for swimmers create a strong cross-body connection that will help lead to a more efficient freestyle and backstroke.