Vladimir Morozov

Semifinale #1 Day 2 ISL 2020: Risultati E Recap Live

semifinale #1 di International Swimming League, Recap Live della seconda giornata di gare: sfida al vertice tra ES e London Roar

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ISL Semifinale 1, Scelti Gli Stili Per Le Skin: Farfalla E Rana

Per le skin race conclusive della prima semifinale ISL le squadre hanno scelto la farfalla al femminile e la rana al maschile.

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2020 ISL Semifinal #1 – Day 1 Live Recap

We expect to see Florent Manaudou (ENS), Vlad Morozov (TOK) and Adam Peaty (LON) back in action today after they all sat out of their last preseason matches


International Swimming League Power Rankings: Week 5 / End of Regular Season

It’s been about a month since the Cali Condors beat Energy Standard head to head in match #1, and a lot has changed. Which team tops the ranks?


Caeleb Dressel Takes Down Ryan Lochte’s 100 IM American Record In 50.48

Dressel took over two-tenths off of Lochte’s 2012 record, becoming the #2 performer in history.


Dressel Migliora Il Record Americano Di Lochte, Ora E’ Secondo All Time

Caeleb Dressel migliora il record americano dei 100 misti del suo compagno di allenamenti Ryan Lochte che lo aveva stabilito nel 2012

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International Swimming League Power Rankings: Week 4

Iron moves up our rankings… but a controversial skins choice by Energy Standard might have had a major hand in that move. We explore further.


Match #8 ISL – Lo Scontro Tra Imbattuti Recap Live Risultati Day2

MATCH #8 pronto a partire a Budapest con una sfida avvincente tra due squadre finora imbattute. Chi cederà il trono? Il nostro recap

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2020 ISL Match 8 – Day 1 Live Recap

Caeleb Dressel and his Cali Condors take on the Tokyo Frog Kings, NY Breakers and London Roar for ISL Match #8 here in Budapest.


Match 8 International Swimming League Risultati Live Day 1

Match 8 on the blocks a Budapest Il nostro consueto recap live della International Swimming League aggiornato minuto per minuto

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International Swimming League Power Rankings: Week 3

The London Roar remained undefeated, and they’re surging back up our power rankings after week 3 with new freestyler Freya Anderson now in the mix.


Mel Marshall Calls Out Illegal Breaststroke Dolphin Kicks By ISL Rivals

The trash-talking is heating up as the ISL season rolls on, with London Roar coach Mel Marshall calling out illegal dolphin kicks in breaststroke.


Relay Analysis: Weitzeil, Gkolomeev Power LA Current To Mixed Free Win

Weitzeil anchored LA up from third to first with a 51.12 split to win the mixed 400 free relay for the Current.

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ISL London Roar Tenta La Fuga In Classifica- Recap Day2 Match5

ISL London Roar tenta la fuga in classifica nel secondo giorno del Match 5. Seguite con noi le avvincenti gare con il nostro recap live

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2020 ISL Match 5 – Day 1 Live Recap

London Roar’s Guilherme Guido will look to do his part in the backstroke events during match 5 of the ISL season 2 in Budapest.