2020 FINA Champions Series – Shenzhen: Day 1 Live Recap
Katinka Hosszu will be a busy woman throughout the FINA Champions Series, kicking things off with the 200 back and 100 fly on Day 1 in Shenzhen.
FINA Swim Series Day1: Carraro 1°Tempo Mondiale Stagionale 50 Rana
FINA Swim Series: Al via in Cina la prima gara ufficiale internazionale in vasca da 50 metri della stagione olimpica verso Tokyo 2020
Relay Lineups for Shenzen Stop of FINA Champions Series Announced
American swimmer Michael Andrew is entered in both relays at the 2020 FINA Champions Series stop this week in Shenzen, China.
La Nazionale Ungherese Per Glasgow Tra Veterani E Nomi Nuovi
La Nazionale Ungherese che parteciperà ai Campionati Europei in vasca corta, in programma dal 4 all’8 Dicembre a Glasgow, è stata diramata.
Tamas Kenderesi Sanzionato Da Federazione Ungherese Per I Fatti Di Gwangju
Tamas Kenederesi durante i Mondiali FINa di Gwangju veniva arrestato dalla polizia per un reato sessuale. Arriva ora la sanzione della Federazione
Tamas Kenderesi Handed Written Reprimand, Funding Withdrawal For 6 Months
Hungarian Olympian Tamas Kenderesi was charged with ‘an indecent act’ following an incident in a Gwangju, Korea nightclub during the World Championships.
Tamas Kenderesi Torna In Ungheria Dopo L’Arresto: La Sua Versione Dei Fatti
Tamas Kenderesi è tornato in Ungheria dopo essere stato trattenuto a Gwangju. La sua versione dei fatti raccontata ad un quotidiano ungherese
Kenderesi Returns To Hungary Where He May Face Punishment
Tamas Kenderesi returns home to Hungary, where he may face additional punishment regarding his sexual harassment allegations.
Tamas Kenderesi accusé de harcèlement sexuel en Corée du Sud
Kenderesi a été arrêté dimanche matin et a dû retourner au village des athlètes en Corée du Sud, où il a été retenu jusqu’à aujourd’hui
Hungarian Kenderesi Now Allowed To Leave Korea Amid Sexual Harassment Case
Hungarian fly swimmer Tamas Kenderesi is now allowed to leave the nation of Korea after originally having been prohibited to do so due to allegations.
Off the Grid During Worlds? Here’s What You Need to Know.
Catch up on the biggest stories from one of the craziest weeks in swimming history.
Kenderesi on Arrest: ‘I Completely Reject the Accusation of Sexual Harassment’
Kenderesi admitted he “touched the buttocks of a Korean dancer working” at a Gwangju nightclub, and does not think he “committed any serious offense.”
Tamas Kenderesi Arrested, Held in S. Korea Over Sexual Harassment Allegations
Kenderesi was arrested early Sunday morning and returned to the Athletes’ Village, but will not be allowed to leave the country for 10 days.
Tamas Kenderesi Arrestato Dalla Polizia A Gwangju Si Ipotizza Reato Sessuale
Mondiali FINA Gwangju: L’Ungherese Tamas Kenderesi è stato arrestato Dalla Polizia A Gwangju. Si Ipotizza Reato di molestia sessuale
Championnats du monde 2019 : Résumé jour 3
Résumé de la troisième journée des Championnats du monde 2019 à Gwangju. L’Américaine Lilly King conserve son titre sur 100 m brasse