Kosuke Hagino

Japón presuntamente busca medidas relajadas de COVID-19 para Tokyo Frog Kings

Si los Tokyo Frog Kings llegan a la final de la ISL, entonces existe un posible conflicto de plazos para sus nadadores japoneses.

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Los 54.84 de Peaty en 100 braza llegan para cambiar el juego

Adam Peaty ganó su sueldo ISL con creces hoy, ganando los 50 braza y registrando el parcial de pecho de relevos de estilos más rápido de la historia.

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Duncan Scott Nuota Il Record Britannico Nei 200 Misti

Durante la prima semifinale di ISL 2020 lo scozzese Duncan Scott ha fatto registrare il nuovo record britannico nei 200 misti maschili

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Peaty’s 54.84 Breast Split Stunner Has Game-Changing Effect

Adam Peaty earned his ISL paycheck in spades today, taking the men’s 50m breast and also logging the fastest medley relay breast split in history.


Duncan Scott Nails British, Scottish 200 IM Records For Roar

The 2020 ISL semifinal #1 just saw Duncan Scott crush a new British Record in the men’s 200 IM for his breakout swim of the season.


2020 ISL Semifinal #1 – Day 1 Live Recap

We expect to see Florent Manaudou (ENS), Vlad Morozov (TOK) and Adam Peaty (LON) back in action today after they all sat out of their last preseason matches


Lilly Kings’s 100 Breast Among 7 Remaining Undefeated Swims In ISL History

Joining Lilly King’s 100 breast, four other swimmers and two relays remain unbeaten in the ISL across 2 seasons of competition.

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4 Storylines To Watch in the ISL’s Semifinal #1: Battle of the Backstrokers

Energy Standard and the London Roar haven’t faced each other yet this year, but we finally get to see Rylov vs Kolesnikov vs Grevers vs Diener vs Guido.


Japan Swim: Termini Di Quarantena Rivisti Per Gli Atleti Giapponesi ISL

La Federazione Nuoto Giapponese (JSF) sta lavorando ad un piano per consentire agli atleti ISL di partecipare ai Japan Swim

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Top 5 Swimmers In Each Event Heading Into the 2020 ISL Post-Season

The regular season has wrapped, and the top 8 teams are heading to the postseason. We tally up the top 5 swimmers in each event across the regular season.


Japan Reportedly Exploring Relaxed Coronavirus Measures For Tokyo Frog Kings

If the Tokyo Frog Kings make the ISL final, then there is some potential conflict of time frames for its Japanese swimmers.

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International Swimming League Power Rankings: Week 5 / End of Regular Season

It’s been about a month since the Cali Condors beat Energy Standard head to head in match #1, and a lot has changed. Which team tops the ranks?


Santos Delivers 30-Point 50 Fly Jackpot: 3 Storyline From ISL Match 9 – Day 2

Nicholas Santos delivered a 30 point jackpot swim today in the 50 fly, proving how key his contribution is in this event.


Match #9 Day 2 International Swimming League 2020-Live Recap

Recap Live Match #9- Day 2 International Swimming League 2020 tra Energy Standard, Toronto Titans, Iron e Tokyo Frog Kings

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Max Litchfield Returns, Manaudou And Morozov Out – ISL Match 9 Day 1 Entries

After sitting out of Match 6 and 7, Max Litchfield is back for Energy Standard. Florent Manaudou (ENS) and Vlad Morozov (TOK) are not on Day 1’s roster.

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