Open Turn: 2016 Trials, Lezak’s Olympic Moment, and Missy’s High School Career

USA Swimming announced the final list of 6 possible cities to hold US Olympic Trials. Garrett McCaffrey and Braden Keith give you their views, vote on yours in A3s SwimSwam Poll of the Week:

Where should 2016 US Olympic Swimming Trials be held?

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Jason Lezak announced his retirement this week. Garrett and Braden talk about where his most famous Olympic moment, the anchor leg of the 4×100 freestyle relay at the 2008 Games, in the greatest Olympic moments of all time.

And finally, Missy Franklin’s final year of high school swimming is underway and some people aren’t happy that she’s competing for Regis Jesuit. Garrett and Braden talk about both sides of the argument on whether or not the Olympic Gold Medalist should be racing high school swimmers.

All that on the first Open Turn of 2013!

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12 years ago

Jason Lezak if forever the most BEAST swimmer because of that relay performance!

Martin G.
12 years ago

Missy, you are the golden girl.

You go, girl!!!!!

Daniel Barth
12 years ago

Glad that you guys are telling it like it is! There’s absolutely no problem with Missy swimming in high school. If I were in Colorado, I’d be thrilled to swim against her. I understand that she’s on a totally different level, but people have really criticized her lately for no good reason. She is a great role model for all young swimmers, even athletes for that matter, and I hope to see her success continue!

12 years ago

Hey Garrett,

I’m sure there are Dads / men complaining in addition to Moms; just had to point that out :).

Otherwise, go Missy go! Props for wanting to rep your school and be a team player.

-Emily White

12 years ago

Don’t hate us like we’re famous
We’re not the ones who fake it
Cause fakers never make it
Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate
Don’t hate us like we’re famous
We’re not the ones who fake it
Cause fakers never make it
Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate
Don’t hate us like we’re famous
We’re not the ones who fake it
Cause fakers never make it
Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate

To Ms. Brandon and all the others, shut up and swim. If you don’t like getting smoked by Missy, work your’s off to beat her’s.

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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