Commit Swimming launched 4 years ago as a simpler way to write and store workouts digitally. The core piece of Commit is the algorithm that allows you to write a swim practice the way you would on paper while capturing valuable data (distance, time, strokes, etc.) along the way.
And that algorithm just got better. There are a couple of key improvements made to Commit recently that make it even easier to write workouts just like you would on paper.
1. Rounds
For a long time now, Commit’s “The Parser” has been able to understand what we call “circuits”. For example:
—————–START SET——————
100 kick
200 pull
——————-END SET——————-
And now, we have added the ability for you to change what this circuit means “by round”. For example:
—————–START SET——————
3x through… free/ choice/ free by round
100 kick
200 pull
——————-END SET——————-
Screenshot from Commit
—————–START SET——————
6x through… alternating fast/ easy by round
100 kick @ 1:50
4 x 50s @ :50
——————-END SET——————-
Screenshot from Commit
We are really excited about this enhancement, as it’s been something you have asked for. You use rounds all the time in your practices and so we hope this helps to increase the accuracy of The Parser for you!
2. Intuitive Set Modifiers
For a long time now, Commit’s “The Parser” has been able to understand what we call “rep range modifiers”. For example:
—————–START SET——————
5 x 100s @ 1:30 #1-2 easy 3-5 descend
——————-END SET——————-
And now, we have added the ability for you to specify this type of set in a more natural way as well! For example:
—————–START SET——————
9 x 50s @ :50 – drill, kick, swim
——————-END SET——————-
The Parser will now be able to understand that this means 50s #1, 4, and 7 are drill; #2, 5, and 8 are kick; and #3, 6, and 9 are swim.
Screenshot from Commit
—————–START SET——————
6 x 100s – 3 easy 3 fast
——————-END SET——————-
Screenshot from Commit
Just like with “Rounds”, we are really excited about this enhancement, as it’s also something you have asked for. You write these types of sets all of the time for practice and now Commit can understand exactly what you’re trying to say.
Ditch the Paper Now
Don’t waste your coaching brain power on paper that won’t stand the test of time! Watch and learn how to stop writing workouts on paper.
Why Should I Care?
First, because the workouts are stored electronically (instead of on the back of your lunch napkin) you can…
- Search your workouts to pull up an old workout in seconds.
- Organize your workouts into folders for easy access.
- Analyze your training plan without having to manually add up volume/ percentage kick/ etc. This analysis can be for any of your training groups or individual athletes for any dates you want to look at.
- Quickly take attendance with a few taps on your phone.
- Collaborate with your coaches by connecting to the same team on Commit.
- Save favorite sets of yours for easy access to pull back up and insert into a new workout.
- You don’t have to email or print anymore because all your coaches have them on their phone.
- Create attendance reports for any training group or date range you want at any time.
- Your athletes get a free workout journal if you invite them to your team without lifting a figure. This has been shown to keep swimmers more engaged throughout the season.
You get the idea. Once the workouts are stored as ‘data’, the features we can add for you are endless. And, we continually add features based on coach feedback. If you talk to any coach that uses Commit they can attest that we work faster and harder than any other team to get this done for you.
Second, you might be asking, well there are other products that do this… like Hy-tek’s old team manager add-on ‘workout manager’ or TeamUnify’s coaching tools add-on that used to be called MainSet, or ‘Workouts for Swim Coaches’ on the iPad. What makes Commit different from these?
The answer is that all of these tools suck time away from you as a coach because now it takes 30 minutes longer than before to write a workout. You are restricted to toggling set ranges and rep numbers and adding a character limited description. There’s a reason none of these caught on and Commit has.
Coming from a world where most coaches use paper and pencil to free-form write their workouts, we developed an algorithm where you do the same thing you were always doing (write workout free-form) but maintain all the benefits about having the workouts stored digitally that I mentioned above.
So, at the end of the day, because the workouts are now digitally stored AND you’re not dealing with frustrating workout inputs, Commit saves coaches time. We hear this every single day from new users. And, it’s the single most important driver of why coaches use Commit. What’s more valuable than your time?
Okay – So how do I try it?
If you are a swim coach and don’t know what Commit is or haven’t looked at Commit in a while, go to and click “Try it Now”. It’s free to try and no credit card required. With your trial, you get swimming’s #1 workout manager on all of your devices. This state of the art software is built specifically for swim coaches and comes with 24/7 first class customer support.
Commit Swimming puts you, the coach, in control. Save more time writing workouts with Commit. Say goodbye to notebooks and clunky software.
