China Contributes Almost An Extra $2 Million Over Requirement To WADA In 2018 And 2019


According to confidential minutes obtained by the Associated Press, China contributed almost an extra $2 million (US) than their required payment to help fund the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

The minutes found that China gave $993,000 in 2018 and $992,000 in 2019. In December 2020, WADA released a statement being transparent on additional contributions that they were receiving (and had already received). WADA stated that India pledged an additional 1 million USD, Saudi Arabia pledged $0.5 million USD, and Egypt pledged $0.1 million USD. It also stated that WADA already had received the $992,694 pledged by China.

At the time, WADA President Witold BaÅ„ka said, “This is a massive boost for WADA and for Clean Sport. The Agency is grateful to the Governments of China, Egypt, India and Saudi Arabia for supporting the protection of sport in this way. These generous contributions can be seen as a strong commitment from these nations and will be put to good use enhancing scientific research, as well as the work of WADA’s independent Intelligence and Investigations Department. Both areas have delivered significant achievements in recent years and these additional resources will contribute greatly towards WADA’s mission for doping-free sport.”

WADA’s financial statements from 2018 and 2019 also show this additional contribution. The financial statements explain that grants, “are recorded as income when there is reasonable assurance that the grants will be received and WADA will comply with all attached conditions.”

UPDATE 4/23:  According to WADA, these grants from China had “The condition of these additional payments were that funds would support WADA’s activities in the areas of scientific research and investigations.”

China’s grants made up about 1/3 of the total grants to WADA in both 2018 and 2019. Other grants in 2018 include Montreal International, Australia, Japan, Egypt, and the city of Laussane. Other grants in 2019 include Montreal International, Australia, Japan, Poland, and the city of Laussane. The statements do not clarify what the “attached conditions” are with China.

Just two years later, 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for the banned substance trimetazidine (TMZ) at the start of the calendar year in 2021, about seven months before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The swimmers were not sanctioned by CHINADA as traces of TMZ were reportedly found present in the hotel the swimmers stayed. WADA upheld CHINADA’s decision.

The foundation of the funding of WADA dates back to November 2000 when governments agreed to fund 50% of WADA’s budget. Regional share percentages were created with Europe having the largest share (47.5%) and Africa having the smallest share (0.5%). Asia (20.46%), the Americas (29%), and Oceania (2.54%) fall in the middle shares. The US pays 50 percent of the Americas 29% meaning the US pays 14.5% of the required funding from governments.

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10 months ago

Well Nongfushanquan(a brand) is one of the biggest sponsors of World Aquatics

10 months ago

FYI, US is the biggest donor of WADA, more than twice as many donation as China’s.

10 months ago
10 months ago

All I can say is that it is a terrible shame this issue is dominating the discussion amongst us, the swimming community, in what should be the most exciting time in a four year cycle (3 from Tokyo, I know). As every country is running their Nationals and selection meets, we should be focusing on these performances. I feel the timing of this news has been strategically placed, and there is opportunity for a full investigation and late ban if warranted. If there is suspicion of WADA corruption, then it should be brought to CAS (Switzerland).

Reply to  Jason
10 months ago

We should be focusing on these performances………..even if there is strong evidence that the competition is a fraud?

10 months ago

wada confirms that it believes that allegations made against wada were politically motivated. it’s just like the gantry crane from china in us harbor can be spy. anything from china can be. it’s so ridiculous

10 months ago

I thought swimswam is at least trying to be objective on this issue until this article. It’s clear what the article wants to imply but unfortunately there is no evidence that there is link between things.

Wasn’t 2018-2019 the time when the Sun Yang case happened? It was WADA that took the case to CAS in late 2019 when FINA didn’t act.

And since China was not the only one who made extra payment, are you implying other countries are also getting extra benefits? Since USA is the largest contributor and pays more than twice as much as China, are you implying it’s getting extra benefits all the time?

Reply to  etsan
10 months ago

which other countries made extra payments beyond what they are required to contribute? I know the US is the biggest contributor, but were they paying more than required? I think the extra payments from China is most likely a red herring, but the optics are bad and I think reporting on it is reasonable.

10 months ago

how much usa contributed to wada?

Slow Breastroker
Reply to  blue
10 months ago

More than twice China contribution.

Does this mean USA bribed WADA to bury cases involving US athletes?

David S
10 months ago

In otherwords money talks.
💵💵 you saw nothing

About Anya Pelshaw

Anya Pelshaw

Anya has been with SwimSwam since June 2021 as both a writer and social media coordinator. She was in attendance at the 2022, 2023, and 2024 Women's NCAA Championships writing and doing social media for SwimSwam. She also attended 2023 US Summer Nationals as well as the 2024 European Championships …

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