3 Ways to Train and Compete With Intention
Just as swimmers conduct a physical warm-up just prior to a practice or competition the best prepared swimmers have also developed a comprehensive psychological or mental warm up in order to put them in the best frame of mind for a great training opportunity or peak performance.
Fitter and Faster Photo Vault: Jaeger, Joyce, Phillips & Craig host Oct 4-5 Clinics
Butterfly speed man, Tim Phillips, hosted the New Canaan Fitter and Faster Swim Tour stop.
Slix Australia Two Piece Training Swimsuits Don’t Slip or Drag
If you think you can’t have a swimsuit that’s both active and stylish, think again! While your racer back is practical and your bikini is cute…
How to handle deadlines and the Pressure to Commit to a College
Hopefully most of you seniors are starting to feel some pressure to pick a school. Pressure can be a good thing because it means that you have options.
3 Healthy Ways to Boost your Energy
Navigating the world of supplements can be daunting. It’s important to remember that you can maintain higher energy levels with a few simple changes to your daily habits. Let’s take a moment to discuss what you can do right now to boost your energy throughout the day.
Fastest Man in Texas Shootout draws 20 World-Class Swimmers for 2014 Event
Swimming News Courtesy of Fastest Man in Texas SHOOTOUT. Once again on Sat. Nov 1st at High Noon, the Josh…
SwimSpray Announces Team Fundraising Opportunity for Club Swim Teams
Effective October 10th, 2014, SwimSpray, LLC will be offering a team fundraising program to help United States Swimming club swim teams raise money for travel, equipment, scholarships, and expenses.
Video: China Team leads in 2014 Synchro World Cup
2014, Quebec City, Canada, the 13th FINA Synchronized Swimming World Cup, In the Team Technical Performance, with a score of 92.7655, China takes the lead by 2.6749 points. Last time in 2010, China took Silver, behind Russia.
Your Swimming Awards: Recycle, Donate, Keep, or Discard?
Of course you keep your most cherished awards, but what do you do about the countless colorful ribbons and medals from years and years of competing in swim meet after swim meet?
Fame, Fortune and Michael Phelps
“While we can safely assume that USA Swimming and the State of Maryland will be holding Mr. Phelps accountable, we can also acknowledge our disappointment and anger at his behavior. Given this, we can, and should, hold the mindset of inquiry (as opposed to judgment) into the reasons behind Michael’s most recent behavior.”
Matt Kredich: How to coach a high elbow catch with proper posture & pull on land
“Over the past 2 years Matt has collaborated with Coach Bill Boomer to improve his swimmers’ biomechanics in the water. They focused a lot on creating better posture in the water.”
Shout From the Stands: Michael Phelps Boundaries, Finding the Edge
Contributor Markus Rogan is a 2-time Olympic medalist and former world record holder. The Austrian elite, a graduate of Stanford, is a psychotherapist in training. He shares his thoughts on Michael Phelps in the aftermath of the DUI arrest.
Freestyle Flip Turn: Streamline Dolphin Kick, Dolphin Kick Technique, Number of Kicks
Gary Hall Sr.: “What happens between the time the feet leave the wall and the breakout is the most controversial and variable part of the freestyle flip turn. It is also when the most time is either gained or lost.”
10 World and 11 American Records fall at the LaCamas Classic/NW Zones Masters Meet
Masters Swimming News courtesy of Justin Slade. The Lacamas Headhunters hosted the LaCamas Classic/NW Zones masters Meet this weekend. The…
10 Telltale Signs You Have a Swimmer’s Body
Has a stranger ever said, “Let me guess, you’re a swimmer?” There are so many telltale giveaways we spend most of our time in a swimming pool.