Watch Texas Men Swim Suited 4×25 Free Relay (Race Video)

On Day 2 of their tri-meet (if you didn’t see the race videos from Day 1, click here), the entirety of the Texas, NC State, and Arizona men’s and women’s swimming teams suited up and went off the blocks. They weren’t swimming regular distances, however. For every 200, there was a 150. For every 100, there was a 75. And for the 50? You guessed it. A 25 freestyle. Watch the shorter race videos here.

But even after the regular not-so-regular portion of the meet on Saturday, the Texas men weren’t done. Many of them kept their suits on and did what any logical swimmer would do: organized a 4×25 free relay.

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Dr Deluxe
6 years ago

C’mon everyone! Stop the pissing match! As a Pack fan, it is an honor to race Texas at ANY time during the year for experience . It is ESPECIALLY nice to do it when they are knowingly in their heavy yardage mode AND you know that NCAA’s are in the same pool. Texas has no conference pressure, NCAA’s are in their home pool ( sleeping in their own beds is HUGE!!) and they have the best Frosh class in the country with an EDDIE REESE taper! They are certainly the NCAA favorite, regardless of the dual meet results. Braden and Bobby are smart enough to know it is a step in the right direction
but not indicative of championship… Read more »

Reply to  Dr Deluxe
6 years ago

If only the rest were as humble as you

2 Cents
Reply to  Dr Deluxe
6 years ago

They aren’t really sleeping in their own beds are they?? I mean I understand, same pool, home locker room, etc…. but if Reece is letting them stay in their dorm rooms and apartments/houses during NCAAs, that is a BAD move. The one year my team hosted our conference meet during my time on the team, we still stayed in a hotel and did everything as a team. Again, there is no way they are actually staying in their own beds during NCAAs… but if I’m wrong, then I’m wrong… just think it would be a very bad move to allow that.

Reply to  2 Cents
6 years ago

Some schools make their teams stay at their home places for home-hosted meets, even conference meets. I don’t know for certain, but I would suppose that Texas has the budget for hotels and uses them.

I can see an upside either way. But…at 18-22 year olds I’d agree that keeping them together as a team is best. Especially with family and/or friends coming into town, SXSW the weekend before, etc…

2 Cents
Reply to  Braden Keith
6 years ago

Yeah, I mean I swam for a “power 5” conference school, so it was definitely in the budget. I could see them being allowed to stay at “home” if the BXII meet was in Austin, but NCAAs I would think they would all stay together at a hotel barring any special circumstances. Even a hotel as far as 30 minutes out of town to help with the distractions.
The only upside I see is being on the exact same mattress, but I am sure the athlete or team managers can move those for them if it is that important. The one thing I really liked was how it gave me an official break from my “significant other” … it… Read more »

2 Cents
Reply to  2 Cents
6 years ago

Can anyone from Texas confirm this or any other school that has hosted NCAAs like Minnesota or Ohio State in the last 10-20 years? I know there are more, but I’m drawing a blank right now…

Sean Justice
Reply to  2 Cents
6 years ago

I know that this wasn’t NCAAs, but when we hosted conference, the team stayed in a hotel. Also doesn’t the NCAA provide funding for hotels? So it might not be a budget thing if that is the case.

Reply to  2 Cents
6 years ago

There’s actually a lot of science about how long it takes you to get used to sleeping somewhere new. It has to do with way back when, unfamiliar sounds and areas could breed new or unknown dangers.

Ice Age Swimmer
6 years ago

I love the way this team always includes fun as a part of their very hard work!

6 years ago

That’s getting me hyped for class relays

Right Dude Here
Reply to  harambe
6 years ago


6 years ago

Yet still only 5.5 seconds ahead of Dressel.

Reply to  coacherik
6 years ago

You can hear someone say after the 50 that Dressel went out faster than that. That’s an exaggeration of course, but it definitely puts the insanity of his 18.96 to his feet into perspective when he went 39.9.

Reply to  Interesting...
6 years ago

I dunno, he may have been referring to CD’s 17.63 50. And they may not have been out that fast considering the final time and the fact that their anchor left early! Still funny nonetheless!

6 years ago

Back to the Mini-meet days

6 years ago

favorite background noise comment, “Dressel went out faster than that.”

6 years ago

Interesting they didn’t go against NC State I guess they were already embarrassed enough.

Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

Just wait till NCAA’s

Reply to  collegeswimmer
6 years ago

Yep. How were those Texas relays last year.? Worst ever.

Right Dude Here
Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

You really out here saying that Texas’s worst ever is enough to beat NC State?

I wouldn’t be that bold.

The Wolf of Raleigh
Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

Couldn’t agree with you any more swimmer. The duel meet wasn’t even close. Only was Texas can beat NC State is if they avoid racing them at all!

Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

I never had feelings one way or the other about the NC State Wolfpack, until I met some of their partisans on this board. Now I actively root against them.

The Ready Room
Reply to  Mikeh
6 years ago

Plot twist: the “fans” actually hate NC State and this is all an elaborate plot to sow discontent

samuel huntington
Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

Texas has been beating NC State at NCAAs for decades.

Calm respectful pack fan
Reply to  samuel huntington
6 years ago

Except when we outswum then last year…

Reply to  Calm respectful pack fan
6 years ago

And still lost buddy…@packfan

Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

Lol, y’all can’t even compete when it matters…enjoy watching Texas or CAL celebrate from the bleachers again mighty “PACK”. Learn how to walk the walk before you talk the talk.

Reply to  Zeke4Heisman
6 years ago

The Pack had plenty to celebrate. The Pack celebrated 5 national titles – 2 relays and 3 individual titles. Texas only had 2 titles from one swimmer. Just saying.

Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

Swimmer – FWIW, Texas had three individual swimming titles – Haas (200/500 free) and Katz (200 back).

Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

And once again, still lost buddy…do better

6 years ago

That looks fun!

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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