The 5 Best Things About Christmas For A Swimmer

by SwimSwam 1

December 25th, 2015 International, Lifestyle

For some people, Christmas is a special day of the year to share with family and friends to enjoy great food and embrace the spirit of giving. For swimmers, it can have extra special meaning especially after a hard year of racing and training. Here’s 5 reasons why:

1 – A Day Off

It’s the one gift that a coach can’t take away from a swimmer. The pool is closed and there’s no guilty feeling for sleeping in and getting set for a day of celebration without a second thought about heading off to training. You know coach is planning to make up for it with twice the pain to work off the Christmas pudding but that’s tomorrow and they can’t take away your special day of rest.

2 – The Food

Swimmers love to eat and Christmas is the perfect time to show the family that you’re not only the best in the water but also at the dinner table. Whether you’re a distance or a sprint swimmer all swimmers are endurance athletes at Christmas dinner. You’ll outperform any uncle when the turkey and ham are served and you’ll be the only one asking for thirds of the pudding with custard and cream.

3 – The Presents

Most of the family have given up finding something new and exciting to buy you and they know you’re always in swimwear, so what could be more appropriate to have wrapped up under the tree. To make it a real surprise it could be a pair of Funky Trunks or Funkita from the Aussie brands to give you colour and comfort in the pool.

4  – The Nap

A swimmer isn’t afraid to have an afternoon nap every now and then but Christmas Day is the one day when everyone else is unashamed to join in. Take advantage of the chance to bond with grandpa as you both drift into a blissful food coma.

5 – The Leftovers

When Christmas Day is done and you’re heading home with the warmth from a special day shared with loved ones, you can also cherish the warmth of the leftover turkey. Because a turkey sandwich is the perfect pick-me-up when you’re back in the pool working off your Christmas Day indulgence.

Have a fantastic Christmas SwimSwammers and if a pair of Funky Trunks or Funkita weren’t under your tree you can use the discount code BOXING15 to get 20% off the Outlet section of and from now until 31/12/15.

See Funky Trunks HQ here.

See Funkita HQ here.





Swimming Lifestyle is courtesy of Way Funky Company, a SwimSwam partner.

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8 years ago

Merry Christmas everybody!