Thomas Bach

John Coates: Le Olimpiadi Di Tokyo Si Faranno Nel 2021, Pandemia O No

John Coates, vice presidente del CIO ha affermato all’AFP che le Olimpiadi di Tokyo, posticipate al 2021, si faranno, pandemia o meno

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Cosa Accadrà Ai Giochi Olimpici Dopo Le Dimissioni Di Shinzo Abe?

Dopo le dimissioni per motivi di salute del premier giapponese Shinzo Abe il CIO si è detto preoccupato per l’organizzazione dei Giochi

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One Year To Go: Il Video Del Discorso Di Ikee Rikako A Tokyo

One year to go. Il video commuovente di Ikee Rikako nello stadio Olimpico di Tokyo vuoto. Un messaggio carico di speranza, resilienza e forza

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IOC Elects John Coates In VP Role, New Board Members Boost Gender Equality

John Coates represents one of two Vice Presidents elected at the 136th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) this week.

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Identical Aquatics Schedule Confirmed For Next Year’s Olympic Games

Tokyo organizers announced today that the 2020 Olympic competition schedule will remain identical to its original plan, despite the postponement to 2021.


Youth Olympic Games A Dakar Del 2022 Rinviati Al 2026

Gli Youth Olympic Games (Giochi olimpici giovanili) del 2022 che si svolgeranno a Dakar, sono stati rinviati al 2026. L’annuncio da parte del CIO

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IOC Emphasizes $100M In Aid After Economist Calls For Olympic Delay Payments

The IOC says it has already provided $100 million in aid – in part, a response to an economist who called for IOC payments for the Olympic postponement.

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Los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud no se realizarán en 2022

Sorpresiva decisión del COI y las autoridades de Senegal, donde debían realizarse los Juegos, ahora aplazados para 2026.

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Beyond The Lane Lines: Charlton’s Thank You Letter To Swimming

Take a look at the latest edition of Beyond the Lane Lines, featuring swimmers from North Carolina, New York and beyond.

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Giochi Olimpici Ridimensionati Ed Una Nuova Tabella Di Marcia Verso Il 2021

Giochi Olimpici 2021: Presentato al CIO un nuovo progetto per la preparazione delle Olimpiadi ed nuova road map principi revisionati

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IOC to Consult With Athletes’ Commission on Protests, Expression at Olympics

In a statement Wednesday, the IOC said it plans to consult with its Athletes’ Commission on how Olympians can “express themselves,” however.


Tokyo 2020, IOC Look Toward Simplified Games, Present Progress Reports

Tokyo 2020 and the IOC released documents on positioning, principles for re-planning, and a roadmap to the Games on Tuesday.

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Officials Target Spring For Decision On Any Possible Addt’l Olympic Changes

“A possible decision on further Olympic postponement will be made ‘in the spring if questions over the coronavirus crisis persist,’ says top Olympic official.

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Le Olimpiadi Verranno Cancellate Se Non Si Potranno Svolgere Nel 2021

Le Olimpiadi verranno definitivamente cancellate se non sarà possibile svolgerle in sicurezza nel 2021. Lo dichiara il presidente CIO

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Thomas Bach: Tokyo Olympics Would Be Canceled if They Can’t Be Held in 2021

In an interview with BBC Sport, Bach said he understands why the Games would need to be canceled if they still can’t be held next year.