Shirley Babashoff

Dolfin Swim of the Week: Shane Gould’s First WR Came On This Day in 1971

Australia’s Shane Gould is still the only person in history to hold world records in the 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500 freestyles at the same time.


The Story of Mark Spitz and The Birth of Arena

Mark Spitz shares his history of how the arena relationship began, and he shares his opinion on swimsuit tech now and how it impacts a swimmer’s confidence.

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Mark Spitz Torna In Arena Nella Nuova Veste Di Ambassador Internazionale

 Mark Spitz firma con arena, 46 anni dopo la sua prima collaborazione con la società nei giorni pionieristici della sponsorizzazione sportiva.

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American Olympic Hero Mark Spitz Returns to arena in New Global Ambassador Role

arena has announced the signing of American Olympic hero Mark Spitz as a brand ambassador, 46 years after he first collaborated with the company.

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Michael Phelps Expresses Doubt On Effectiveness of Doping Protests At Worlds

23-time Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps voiced his views on protesting during medal ceremonies when the other medalists have doping convictions.


Simone Manuel Prima Donna Americana A Vincere 7 Medaglie In Un Solo Mondiale

Simone Manuel è diventata la prima donna nella storia a vincere 7 medaglie in un’unica edizione dei Campionati. Nella classifica generale è seconda.

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BSN Sports Swim Team of the Week: Mission Viejo Nadadores

The Mission Viejo Nadadores, located in Orange County, CA, have been one of the most prominent club teams in the US over the past 50 years.

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Hall of Fame Swim Coach Don Lamont Dies

Lamont (above middle, with swim coach son Ken to his right) coached 13 Olympians at all different stages of their careers, including 7 who won gold or silver medals.


2018 U.S. Nationals Preview: Who Will Step Up In Men’s 1500?

Is the United States ready to compete for international medals again in the men’s 1500 freestyle?


$11 Million Mission Viejo Nadadores Pool Renovation Nearing Completion

The $11 million renovation to the Marguerite Aquatic Center in Mission Viejo, California is nearing its completion, the OC Register…


Shirley Babashoff To Headline Southern Pacific Masters Clinic

The 2017 Southern Pacific Masters Swimming Coaches Clinic will feature Olympic gold medalist Shirley Babashoff and legendary coaches Mark Schubert and Jim Montrella.

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Happy Olympic Day: Check Out The 20 Most-Decorated Olympic Swimmers Ever

June 23 marks Olympic Day, a holiday dedicated to the Olympic movement and its three pillars: move, learn and discover. To celebrate, we’re giving swim fans a chance to move (their mouse to scroll lower down this page), learn (about the most-decorated Olympic swimmers of all-time) and discover (some swimming legends they may not have previously known).


Katie Ledecky Wins U.S. Olympic Committee Female Athlete of the Year

Katie Ledecky earned the top honors tonight as the US Olympic Committee’s Female Athlete of the Olympic Games.


California Senate Passes Resolution on East German Doping

The California Senate has taken a major step in recognizing the injustices of the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games by passing…