Sharon van Rouwendaal

Len Open Water Cup 2021: Domani A Barcellona La Seconda Tappa

La seconda tappa della LEN Open Water Cup si svolgerà domani a Barcellona. in acqua i migliori specialisti delle europei delle acque libere

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LEN Open Water Cup – Barcelona: Four Tokyo Medalists Highlight Stacked Field

All three men’s medalists from the Olympics — Florian Wellbrock, Kristof Rasovszky and Gregorio Paltrinieri —will be racing in Barcelona.

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Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Breaking News From CBS Sports Network

We’re back this week with swimming’s TopTenTweets presented by Arena, where we round up the best of the swimming Twitterverse.

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Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Brent Hayden’s Record-Breaking 47.99

We’re back this week with swimming’s TopTenTweets presented by Arena, where we round up the best of the swimming Twitterverse.


Olympic Results Digest: Cunha, Wellbrock Triumph In Open Water 10k

Germany’s Florian Wellbrock (center) won Olympic gold in the men’s marathon swimming event in Tokyo just days removed from earning a bronze in the pool.


Brazil’s Ana Marcela Cunha is Tokyo Olympic Champion in Women’s Open Water 10k

Brazil’s Ana Marcela Cunha won the women’s 10k open water race at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Sharon van Rouwendaal finished second Kareena Lee was third.


Olimpiadi Di Tokyo Ana Marcela Cunha Oro Nella 10km Femminile

La 10km femminile alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 è stata conquistata dalla brasiliana Ana Marcela Cuhna. Rachele Bruni chiude al 14° posto

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Olimpiadi Tokyo 2020 Rachele Bruni In Acqua Per La 10 km Femminile

Tra poco più di due ore Rachele Bruni sarà in gara nella maratona olimpica di nuoto in acque libere all’Odaiba Marine Park di Tokyo

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L’Olanda Pubblica La Lista Dei Convocati Ufficiali Alle Olimpiadi

La Federazione Reale Olandese di Nuoto (KNZB) ha rivelato il suo roster ufficiale per i Giochi Olimpici di Tokyo 2020 che inizieranno a Luglio

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Russia Leads Euros Medal Table After Open Water, Diving, And Artistic Swimming

Russia has so far collected 11 gold, 4 silver, and 5 silver medals and lead the team standings heading into the pool swimming portion.

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Olympic-Qualified Leonie Beck Scratched 10k At 2021 European Championships

Following a 5th place finish in the women’s 5k, Leonie Beck decided not to race the 10k; an event which she has qualified to swim in Tokyo.

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Van Rouwendaal y Paltrinieri triunfan en aguas abiertas; Paula Ruiz 4ª

Sharon van Rouwendaal y Gregorio Paltrinieri han ganado ambas carreras de 5 y 10 km en el Europeo de Budapest, mientras la española Paula Ruiz ha sido 4ª.

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2021 Euros: Van Rouwendaal And Paltrinieri Add To 5k Victories With 10k Golds

Van Rouwendaal and Paltrinieri both came back on day 2 ready to race, each collecting their second gold medals thus far.


Budapest 10 Km Femminile: Rachele Bruni Vince Il Bronzo

Risultati Campionati Europei Open Water 10 chilometri femminile nel Lupa Lake di Budapest, Ungheria: Rachele Bruni vince il bronzo

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Van Rouwendaal And Paltrinieri Take 2021 European Champs 5k Open Water Titles

Olympic gold medalists Sharon van Rouwendaal and Gregorio Paltrinieri took the first 2 open water gold medals at 2021 Euros.