Petra Senanszky

Milak Hits 1:52.5, Kapas Drops 2:06.9 in 200 Fly at Hungarian Champs Prelims

The first session of prelims ran tonight in Budapest with tomorrow morning set for the first finals session.


Budapest Instancabile Katinka Nuota 3800 Metri di Gare In Due Giorni

A Budapest si è conclusa la manifestazione in vasca da 50 organizzata dalla Federazione ungherese. Protagonista la Hosszu

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A Budapest Katinka Hosszu Gareggia Dai 50 Ai 1500 I Risultati

A Budapest è in corso l’Olympic Preparation Competition organizzata dalla Federazione Nuoto ungherese. In gara Hosszu e Milak

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Kristof Milak Wins Two Events at Day 1 of Hungarian Olympic Prep Meet

The Hungarian Swim Association is putting on a special meet this week to provide Hungarian swimmers with chance to race long course.

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Hosszu Clocks 2nd Fastest 100 Breast Of Career At Hungarian Nats

Straight off her quadruple golds at last week’s European Short Course Championships, Katinka Hosszu wrangled up 3 titles in her home nation.


Lobanovskij Becomes Just 2nd Hungarian Ever Under 22 In 50 Free

Maxim Lobanovskij crushed the men’s 50m free field tonight at the Hungarian Nationals, becoming the 2nd fastest Hungarian ever in the event in the process.


The World Games: Finswimming, Russia Strikes Back

With 5 golds in the second and last day of competition, Russian
dominates water and medal table: 15 years old Mikhaylushkina shines again with Zhurman, Kabanov and Arbuzov. Double for Hungarian Senanszky

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The World Games – Finswimming Competition

Great comeback and gold in 400 surface men for the 40 years old
Hungarian, silver in 200 surface and gold in 4×100 relay women for the 15 years old Russian

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