Laszlo Cseh

Olympian Laszlo Cseh Appears on Hungarian Version of “The Masked Singer”

Hungarian World Champion and 6x Olympic medalist László Cseh made an appearance on the Hungarian version of the show “The Masked Singer”.


Tom Shields Becomes First American Man Under 1:49 In The 200 Fly

The 29-year-old clocked 1:48.66 to break his own American Record of 1:49.02 set in the semi-finals.


Le Assenze Della Stagione 2 ISL: Cody Miller, Ledecky, Manuel, Panziera

Dopo l’annuncio delle squadre della stagione 2 della ISL si nota l’assenza di nomi importanti. Nel team Aquacenturions mancano Panziera e Condorelli

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Coach Sergio Lopez Reflects on Joseph Schooling’s 2016 Homecoming Parade

Olympic coach Sergio Lopez reflected on the impact of Joseph Schooling’s 100 fly win at the 2016 Olympics, earning Singapore’s first gold.


Butterfly Technique – The Second Down Kick

American Chase Kalisz does not utilize the kick in the same way we normally see it being used by world-class butterfliers.

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Epic Swims: Phelps and Lochte Battle it out in the 200 IM, Shanghai 2011

It was a close race between Americans Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte in the 200 IM at the 2011 World Championships in Shanghai.


Epic Swims: Schooling Wins Gold in 100 Fly, Three-Way Tie for Silver in Rio

Joseph Schooling became Singapore’s first Olympic medalist in swimming when he won the 100 fly at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.


Budapest. Finali Day1 4 Nations Meet-Protagonisti Milak Hosszu e Kapas

Budapest.Andate in scena le prime finali del 4 Nations Meet. Gli ungheresi sono stati i protagonisti, con le vittorie di Katinka Hosszu, Milak, Kapas

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4 Nations Meet: Prime Gare Questa Mattina Per Hosszu-Milak-Kapas-I Risutati

4 nations meet: questa mattina prima gara post lockdown per gli ungheresi. In acqua Katinka Hosszu, Boglarka Kapas, Kristof Milak. I Risultati

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Kristof Milak Kicks Off 2020 Season With 200 Free/100 Fly Morning Double

200 fly world record holder Kristof Milak is back to racing, taking on the 200m free and 100m fly on day 1 of the 4 Nations Meet.

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4 Nations Meet: In Gara Katinka Hosszu, Milak. Laszlo Cseh Nei 100 Rana

4 Nations Meet inizierà il 24 Luglio. In gara ci saranno Katinka Hosszu, Kristof Milak e Laszlo Cseh che si è iscritto anche nei 100 metri rana

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Milak, Hosszu & Cseh (In Breaststroke) Head To ‘4 Nations Meet’

Hungary’s Kristof Milak is set to take on his world-record-setting event of the 200m fly at the upcoming ‘4 Nations’ meet in his home country.


Roadmaps 2.0 – Mapping International Swim Stars: Men’s 200 Fly

As we explore the evolution of the 21st century face of the men’s 200 fly thus far, who do you think will become the 2020s face of the men’s 200 fly?


Top 10 Men’s Swimmers Who Never Won an Olympic Gold Medal

If it weren’t for Michael Phelps, would we be discussing Laszlo Cseh in the conversation as greatest male swimmer of all-time?


Bygones Of 2020 Olympic Trials: Hosszu, Milak & Cseh in Hungary

Take a look at what could have been had the 2020 Hungarian Nationals (Olympic Trials) stayed the course: Katinka Hosszu, Kristof Milak, Laszlo Cseh.