James Gibson

James Gibson, Siobhan Haughey Talk Jackpots, Doubles, & ENS Strategy

Talking with Energy Standard’s GM James Gibson and freestyle ace Siobhan Haughey to discuss their Match #8 win as well as their ISL regular season as a whole

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Tom Rushton Walks Through Training Cycles for ISL Swimmers During Competition

Rushton tackles topics such as mid-d training, prepping different athletes for ISL-type of racing, and altitude training camp after the ISL regular season


James Gibson Ed Altri Coaches Criticano Il Jackpot Della ISL

James Gibson ed altri allenatori della ISL hanno criticato il sistema del jackpot introdotto durante la seconda stagione del campionato

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James Gibson, Other ISL Coaches Take Issue With Jackpot Scoring

Energy Standard head coach James Gibson said he was “not a huge fan of that scoring system” when discussing jackpots during a mid-match interview.


Ben Proud Nuota 18.1 Nei 50 Stile In Allenamento (Con Pinne)-Il Video

Durate una sessione di allenamento con la squadra Energy Standard, Ben Proud ha nuotato il tempo di 18.1 con le pinne. Il video

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Ben Proud Unleashes 18.1 SCM 50 Free (With Fins) From A Push At ENS Practice

Energy Standard’s Ben Proud pushed an 18.1 50 SCM free (with fins) at the end of their speed endurance workout in Naples.


James Gibson on ENS Under Performers: “We expect them to be here and deliver”

Gibson kept things honest by admitting a number of his athletes were not where he expected them to be while praising some of his ENS rookies


Swimming’s TopTenTweets: Guess What? Lilly King Hates Losing

We’re back this week with swimming’s TopTenTweets presented by Arena, where we round up the best of the swimming Twitterverse.


La International Swimming League Rivela I Dettagli Della Stagione 2021

International Swimming League ha annunciato i dettagli della sua stagione 2021 in un comunicato stampa di oggi. Alcuni dettagli

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Sarah Sjostrom Si Frattura Il Gomito Destro Cadendo Sul Ghiaccio

Sarah Sjostrom si è fratturata il gomito destro in seguito ad una caduta sul ghiaccio a Stoccolma. Prevista operaio ne domani

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Olympic Coach Ben Titley Shares Theories on Removing Lactic Acid for Swimmers

Titley notes that if you ever see Swim Canada at a Pro Swim in the US, they will do a full swim set after their racing session


Florent Manaudou Ed Il Lato Negativo Di Essere Un Supereroe

Florent Manaudou si racconta ai nostri microfoni Quando vinci sei un supereroe. I supereroi non perdono. E se perdi dopo diventa difficile

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Energy Standard non Riprende Il Programma Di Allenamento In Turchia

Energy Standard ha interrotto il programma di allenamento in Turchia alla Gloria Sport Arena a causa delle restrizioni di viaggio

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Energy Standard Training Group Unable To Return To Training Base in Turkey

The group hasn’t been able to return to their training base in Turkey this year, with athletes and coaches currently scattered across the world.

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Manaudou Sceglie Di Allenarsi Marsiglia Le Cause “Pandemia E Politica”

Florent Manaudou sceglie Marsiglia per prepararsi alle Olimpiadi. Le cause sono le difficoltà di viaggio e la politica. Con lui anche Blume

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