Gary Hall Sr.

Why Propulsion Forces In Swimming Matters

Outside of the starts and turns, the propulsion forces of a swimmer are derived purely from the kick and the pull.


All in the Family: Monahans Put Together Medley Relay at Masters Nats

Coach Marty Hendricks (left), helped facilitate a family relay with Megan, Sean, Jim, and Becky Monahan at Master Nationals in May.


Le Leggi Della Fisica Applicate Al Nuoto In Modo Semplice

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . Mentre ci…

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Physics for Swimmers, Coaches and Parents

Sir Isaac Newton, a brilliant mathematician from the UK, defined the three laws of motion back in the 17th century, yet they are as important to a swimmer today as they were then.

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Come Rendere Efficace la Parte Finale Della Virata

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . Il momento…

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Breakout: Freestyle Flip Turns

The breakout is the final part of the freestyle flip-turn and it is also where mistakes are commonly made.

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4 Creative Kick Sets To Build Leg Strength

Leg strength and good ankle plantar flexibility are required to develop a strong flutter kick, but more is needed. Fitness of the leg muscles used in the kicking motion must also be developed to an extraordinary level.

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Le Origini dei Moderni Occhialini da Piscina Goggles

Come sono nati i Goggles? Una domanda che entusiasma gli appassionati di storia del nuoto. Riviviamo le origini di quelli…

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Freestyle Head Position

While swimming freestyle, the positions of least frontal drag do not necessarily correlate with the positions of maximum propulsive power.


Rebecca Soni Breaststroke Wall Kicks, 92 per 45 seconds (Video)

Stroke rate for breaststroke is quite variable, particularly for the 200. Regardless, the speed at which the legs are drawn forward and push backward to provide propulsion is critical.


The Ever Evolving Vision of The Race Club

The original vision of The Race Club was to develop Olympic medalists. Since that time their vision has evolved. Now they are focused on teaching athletes and coaches how enhance their training programs…

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La Migliore Respirazione per la Gara dei 100 metri Stile Libero

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . AEROBICO VS….

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L’importanza della ROTAZIONE Delle Spalle nello Stile libero e Dorso

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . Tutti i…

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Why we should rotate our bodies in freestyle and backstroke

All of the elite swimmers of the world rotate their bodies along the long axis, the axis that their body is moving down the pool, while swimming freestyle and backstroke. They don’t just rotate a little bit. They rotate a lot. The question is, why?


How To Pace Your Race

Knowing how to pace a race appropriately is one of the most difficult aspects of competitive swimming. It goes against our very nature, particularly when we are excited and fresh at the start of each race, to hold back.

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