Ariarne Titmus

200 Free Race Strategies: Comparing Australian vs. U.S. Trials (Women)

What makes the Australian women so good at the 200 freestyle? We compared them to the American women to try and find out.


The Australian Women Stand Alone Atop the 800 Freestyle Relay

Australia is set to dominate the women’s 800 free relay in Paris. Will anyone else be able to come close or will it be a complete shut out?


The Solitude Of Prime Numbers: What We’ve Learned From The Newest Three World Records

The three world records swum last week by Titmus, Smith and Walsh have something in common, all the other athletes are extremely close to them


Australian Olympic Trials Had 16,700 Fans Across 6 Days: Most Since Pre-Covid

A World Record from Ariarne Titmus in the 200 free was among the highlights of the 2024 Australian Swimming Trials in Brisbane.


Campionati Europei Belgrado 2024: Analisi E Risultati Batterie Ultimo Giorno

Eccoci giunti all’ultima mattinata di batterie degli Europei 2024, sessione più breve, con solo i 400 stile maschili e femminili e le staffette 4×100 miste.

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Non Esiste Più La Solitudine Dei Numeri Primi: Ce Lo Mostrano Gli Ultimi Tre WR

I tre record del mondo nuotati da Titmus, Walsh e Smith, hanno in comune una cosa, le altre atlete sono estremamente vicine a loro. 

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Campionati Europei Belgrado 2024: Analisi E Risultati Batterie Day 3

Terzo giorno della rassegna europea a Belgrado. Oggi l’evento più atteso era quello dei 100 farfalla maschili ,con i campioni Kristof Milak e Noe Ponti.

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Katie Ledecky Confirms She’s Not Planning On Swimming 200 Free In Paris

Ledecky said she won’t swim the 200 free in Paris “if all goes well” in the 800 and 1500 free later this week in Indianapolis.


2024 U.S. Olympic Trials: Ledecky Makes it Four Olympics in a Row

Katie Ledecky continues to be the dominant force among American freestyle, punching her ticket to her 4th Olympic Games.


Australia Names 44 Strong Olympic Swim Team For Paris – Boxall Places 10 on the Team

Australia named a 44 strong Olympic Team to represent the nation in Paris later this summer, among which there are severl defending Olympic Champions including Ariarne Titmus.


L’Australia Ufficializza La Nazionale Per Parigi 2024: 44 Convocati

Swimming Australia a conclusione dei Trials ha nominato la rosa dei 44 atleti che parteciperanno alle Olimpiadi di Parigi del mese prossimo

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Doping, The NCAA, And King’s Last Olympics: Everything From Pre-U.S. Trials Press Conference

Doping, the state of swimming, and Australian trials were some of the most widely asked-about subjects at a pre-Olympic trials press conference Friday.


SwimSwam Pulse: 68.9% Correctly Predicted Aussie Women Would Break WR At Trials

Ariarne Titmus shattered the world record in the women’s 200 free, while former record holder Mollie O’Callaghan also went under the existing mark.


2024 U.S. Olympic Trials Previews: Battle Brewing Behind Ledecky In Women’s 400 Free

With Katie Ledecky well clear of the field, the most interesting race in the women’s 400 free will be the fight for the second Olympic roster spot.


Ariarne Titmus Dopo Parigi Si Prenderà Una Pausa Dal Nuoto

Ariarne Titmus ha dichiarato che dopo le Olimpiadi di Parigi si prenderà una pausa dal nuoto, ma ancora non sa quanto durerà

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