Stanford Freshman Brock Turner Arrested After Sexual Assault Allegations

Several Bay-Area news publications, including the official Stanford Daily student paper, have reported that freshman swimmer Brock Turner has been arrested on allegations of raping an “intoxicated, unconscious woman” on January 18th.

According to the Stanford Daily, Turner faces 5 felony accounts from the alleged event. The San Jose Mercury News has reported that two cyclists chased down Turner after the alleged raping in the middle of the night on January 18th.

Stanford announced on Tuesday that he was not permitted to return to campus, and the San Jose Mercury News says that Turner has voluntarily withdrawn from school.

Turner’s name has been removed from the official Stanford men’s swimming roster. Turner is a native of Dayton, Ohio and is an Ohio State Record holder in the 200 and 500 freestyles. So far in his freshman season, Turner had been 1:39.0 in the 200 free, 4:25.2 in the 500 free, and 1:46.6 in the 200 back.

A voice mail left this afternoon with the Stanford Athletics Department communication staff has not been returned.

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linda robarge
8 years ago

How long was Brock Turner at Stanford before his arrest and were there any unsolved rapes prior to his arrest?

8 years ago

“How do you know she did not consent before she passed out ?”

A better question is how do you know she passed out?

She was deemed to be unconscious because she was unresponsive, meaning she did not answer questions.

She was deemed to be too intoxicated to give consent to sexual relations with Brock Turner because she was deemed to be unconscious.

Before going any further, it behooves those considering this case to know that the drunk driving limit in California and most states used to be .15% but then MADD lobbied heavily to have it lowered to the present .08%. Even when the drunk driving limit was .15% in California, the limit for a nineteen year… Read more »

Reply to  Strykr32
8 years ago

Edit: The paragraph just above the 1st photo should read as follows…..

Jonsson and Arndt checked on the girl and noted she appeared to be unconscious and did not respond to them asking if she was OK. First Jonsson and then Arndt began to run after Turner. Jonsson caught up to Turner after about 35 yards and then told him to stop many times. Turner continued to run and did not look like he was going to stop, so Jonsson tripped him. It looked like Turner was trying to get up and run away again so Jonsson tackled him to the ground.

Jane Davis
8 years ago

How do you know she did not consent before she passed out ? Instead of dwelling on lynching a kid that I am not convinced is guilty-why not preach signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse? This woman surely has a serious problem – she goes to a party to “check” on her little sister and gets so blackout drunk she could not check on anyone. He should have helped her and not victimized her -but he was also drunk and stupid – This vicitm will continue her life as a vitim as long as she is abusing alcohol – maybe this event saved both their lives from making stupid out of control decisions – maybe they can both attend AA… Read more »

Zenaida Cacharegreso
8 years ago

This guy committed a serious crime, evidence is evident. Will justice be served to the Victim? When we say God Bless America, do we really mean that? Because with the type of judgement this judge had on this case, is evident that there is no justice in America, and without Justice, God will not bless America. With criminals like this young one and his dad, I feel sorry for those young ladies outthere in serious danger with these two potential Sexual Assaulters, Father and Son. Apple does not fall far from the tree.

8 years ago

I hope and pray STANFORD is going to kick him out of the school for good, and they at least have the dignity and integrity to do what is right, and to not afraid to succumb to white male privilege.

Patrick Huntsman
8 years ago

Who recruited this guy to Stanford? And how is the coaching staff oblivious to team captain’s leading underage swimmers in drinking games? Or maybe they they have the “Everyone does this in college” mentality.

10 years ago

Its very interesting how so much emphasis is being placed on Brock’s character to determine whether he could have done this or not..

l’m an adult female who has been molested as a youth by an adult and I was Also sexually assaulted by an 18 yr old at knifepoint when I was 19. The men were never arrested. They weren’t bad people… They just made a bad decisions.
I believe that based on the reports, Brock is guilty. But that doesn’t mean he’s a horrible person. Sometimes otherwise good people do really Stupid things. Maybe somehow it makes us feel better to think that only a really horrible person would do something like this. But that just isn’t… Read more »

10 years ago

Just wondering, what if the situation had been reversed and the girl was on top of the boy who lost consciousness? Would she face the same charges? Do we know if that happened before she lost consciousness? Are either of them guilty of underage drinking? If so, shouldn’t someone be held accountable for supplying the alcohol? I do not know anyone involved in this situation but there are so many things wrong with this incident and it seems like only one person is being held accountable and possibly even having his whole future destroyed. We should all be talking to our children about their extracurricular activities in college.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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