In Episode 1 of Open Turn, Braden “The Machine” Keith and Garrett McCaffrey discuss the record breaking swims at the Minnesota Grand Prix and the Florida High School State Championships. While all the record breaking swims were happening here state-side the FINA World Cup Series wrapped up and sent Katinka Hosszu home with over $150, 000. Kenneth To won the men’s $100,000 grand prize, one of very few positive headlines in the Australian swimming media. What’s up with Australia in panic mode down under? Braden and Garrett discuss that and more on Open Turn!

Braden I want to see your mug lets get some light above your computer!
Thank you for this new segment of swimswam. Always good to watch 2 passionate guys who talk about swimming. I don’t understand all what you say but I understand most of your comments and it’s very interesting.
I’ve voted for Ryan Murphy in the poll of the week.
In the weeks to come I think you will have some records to comment like world records by Camille Muffat in short course meters and american records by Missy Franklin or Katie Ledecky in short course yards.
i think you are geniuses and i think you are idiots
That means you listened all the way to the end – victory!
Here is what I feel could happen.
1. Scrap the current Grand Prix series schedule. Not the series, just the same basic schedule every year.
2. On years going into even number summer years, the schedule works. By doing so, you put the least amount of distraction into training leading up to the Olympics. There are fewer meets, more time in between for training.
3. Up the final purse from 20K to 30K in these years, both sides of the gender line not just top swimmer. Each stop has an individual event purse of $250/125/75 (or more if, won’t argue) and a swim of the meet (based on Power Points or whatever we use here in the US. I Suppose… Read more »
C’mon, we are only going to tackle the easy issue of who/what is more awesomer, Jack Conger, Ryan Murphy or that ridiculous relay?
I think USA Swimming is scurd. Scurd of investing in a grand prix series like that of the World Cup. The system in place has worked for so long, changing it might mean less gold in Rio, 2020, 2024, etc. The belief is you need all this training, this base work in the fall to be fast in August. Has anyone thought that maybe that isn’t true? Racing is training, plain and simple. Sure you need time to train, but this isn’t a circuit that lasts very long or one that has to be 10 weeks like… Read more »
Can anyone finally say me how tall is Ryan Murphy? Thank you.
Bobo, Ryan is 6’3″ as of August.
I have to disagree and argue that the 400 FR was the best swim. You are correct in saying that Bolles has the unique ability to attract this sort of top-end talent, but that time is a full 5 seconds faster than the record before this season started. FIVE seconds! That is a HUGE difference. As was stated, only New Trier and an un-official Bolles team from years ago ever got under 3:00 (and while New Trier is a public school, they have like 4200 kids and many in the area do choose to go their over some other schools). But this was a 2:54, with what is now the 3rd and 8th best 100 freestylers in the history of… Read more »
No way Conger beats Murphy in any backstroke race for a long time. I’m calling it here first. I say between the two Murphy is undefeated for the next 5+ years. I’ve been watching Murphy for a couple years and i think he’s going to be really special, and in my opinion more special than Conger.
Maybe. Let’s see what Conger does at Tom Dolan in a few weeks, at least give him a shot to respond.
For a few years now we know Ryan Murphy will probably dominate backstroke in the world. He already looks very powerful for his young age unlike Jack Conger who has no many muscles and has a big physical margin of improvements. I know Jack Conger is also very interested on freestyle. We’ll see the 2 in the next years but for now Ryan Murphy is ahead.
also, ryan is 11 months younger then conger
I myself swim in Melbourne, Australia up to an Olympic trials cut level and am a swimming fanatic and it too amazes me how Alicia Coutts cant make a living. the money is clearly going to the wrong places with the CEO Kevin Neil being paid upward of $800,000 a year so I hear from some people. Alicia Coutts is not the only one that is under paid that is a top level athlete, unless you are have a Stephanie Rice, Eamon Sullivan or James Magnussen public profile you’re going to be doing it tough. And the sport isn’t struggling to make money either which again shows the lack of support by both the state and national level swimming organisations… Read more »