NCAA Champion Diver Jordan Windle Suspended by US Center for SafeSport

Update: Texas Athletics has released a statement and suspended Windle from all Team Activities.

NCAA Champion and US Olympic Team diver Jordan Windle has been given a temporary suspension by the US Center for Safe Sport on “Allegations of Misconduct.”

While neither the USCSS nor the FBI provide details on open investigations, multiple sources have told SwimSwam that Windle is under investigation for allegedly exchanging nude photographs with at least one minor athlete who is also a member of USA Diving.

The allegations were brought forward prior to the start of the current collegiate season, though Windle was allowed to compete in the team’s meets so far this season while the investigation was ongoing.

In response to questions about the decision to allow Windle to continue competing after the original allegations were made, Texas released a statement, but that statement did not address the decision for Windle to compete in the fall semester specifically.

“We’re aware of the situation with Jordan Windle and are continuing to monitor it closely. We will fully cooperate with all parties involved in this investigation and adhere to NCAA, Big 12 and UT policies and processes as well. We have removed Jordan from all team activities, pending the completion of the investigation. Any further action will be determined at the conclusion of that process.”

As of 2020, the NCAA was not required to enforce US Center for Safe Sport or National Governing Body suspensions, according to Katherine Starr, a former All-American swimmer at Texas who operates a non-profit foundation Safe4Athletes that works to prevent the abuse of athletes.

At the mid-season Texas Diving Invitational in November, where many of the country’s top divers competed, Windle won both the 3-meter and platform diving events.

Windle returned to the Longhorns for a 5th year this season, taking advantage of an NCAA waiver allowing athletes who competed during the COVID-19 season in 2020-2021 an extra year of eligibility.

Windle was the 2019 NCAA Champion on platform and the 2021 NCAA Champion on 1-meter. In total, he has earned the maximum 12 All-America awards in four collegiate seasons.

Windle was a member of the U.S. Olympic Team that competed at the Tokyo 2020 Games, placing 9th in the 10-meter platform event.

Temporary suspensions are used by the US Center for SafeSport while investigating reported allegations. They are published to the Center’s public database when “allegations are so severe that Temporary Restrictions are necessary to mitigate potential risk to others in the sport community,” or in “Cases where the Sanctions imposted include some period of suspension or ineligibility, after a comprehensive investigation has established a violation of the SafeSport Code.”

The suspension includes a no contact directive for Windle with the alleged victim or victims.

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3 years ago

Innocent until proven guilty, people.

Reply to  Sunshine
3 years ago

This is a true statement in court, regarding criminality.

But, if the FBI has been investigating this since September, and USCSS just now decided to suspend him…the FBI wouldn’t have kept digging on this if they hadn’t uncovered at least some hard evidence, like the actual text messages. And at that point, innocence is a matter of legal technicalities, which I don’t think would absolve him from disdain for doing it.

3 years ago

do not diddle kids, diddling kids is no good

Last edited 3 years ago by swimmy
3 years ago

or people older than 18, for that matter.

3 years ago

There goes the much needed diving ponits at NCAAs. The swilmmers will have to step up this year. The NCAA title is in serious jeopardy.

Reply to  swimmer
3 years ago

I think this might be a bit bigger than NCAA points.

katie’s gator cap :)
Reply to  swimmer
3 years ago

i don’t think points is the big issue

Reply to  katie’s gator cap :)
3 years ago

Points is the ONLY issue – Hook em

3 years ago

Absolutely wow. The lack of reciprocity between NCAA and the US Center for SafeSport allows coaches banned or suspended by USCSS to continue coaching in NCAA, and allows NCAA coaches fired for abuse – including sexual abuse – to coach age group youth sports. It also allows athletes to do the same. Good for Texas for suspending him now; I don’t know what they knew when, so it’s hard to assess if they should have suspended him earlier.

Braden – Just FYI, the USOPC abbreviation is USCSS, not USCFSS.

3 years ago

Cal officially wins 2022 NCAA championship

Also he needs to be charged criminally

We did not Cali UT
Reply to  Qwer
3 years ago

As you have all the facts??? Please enlighten us little bear …

Reply to  Qwer
3 years ago

He scored 52 points last year at ncaas. The horns top point scorer Eddie definitely needs those diving points.

3 years ago

Since we don’t know the whole case you never know if she was lying about her age. And considering that it says exchanging, that means she was probably sending stuff as well. Definitely a bad situation but it probably wasn’t one sided. Not defending him because he definitely had a part in it, but I think this should also remind parents to teach how dangerous it is to send those kind of things.

Ledecky will go 3:55 in Paris
Reply to  Rico23
3 years ago

i love how the first thing you do is resort to victim blaming

Reply to  Ledecky will go 3:55 in Paris
3 years ago

I love how the first thing you do is resort to one-size-fits-all cliches.

Reply to  Rico23
3 years ago

How do you know it was a she?

Reply to  Rico23
3 years ago

Could’ve worded it a bit better, but it is a valid point. However, he was the adult in the situation and should’ve known to hold himself back

Reply to  Swimmerfromjapananduk
3 years ago

Maybe don’t exchange naked photos with people you don’t know? After all this time, people are too stupid to realize this is how they get caught….

Reply to  Walter
3 years ago

Or people you DO know.

Malibu aquatics
Reply to  Rico23
3 years ago

She? Lol

Reply to  Malibu aquatics
3 years ago

Yeah really! Lol. How do they know the pronoun of the child? The article never mentioned.

This Guy
Reply to  Rico23
3 years ago

Seeing as the victim is also a diver it seems difficult to not know another divers age. It’s usually listed right next to their name.

Mr. Pack
Reply to  Rico23
3 years ago

Don’t bring this BS up. Dude definitely knew.

Reply to  Rico23
3 years ago

Everyone in the diving world knows the age of everyone else in diving after coming up through the age groups/junior diving. If he didn’t, it would be very easy to check on the Divemeets profile.

3 years ago

Wait till they turn 18 at least smh

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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