Josh Liendo Embracing the Florida “No Breath Last 25” (VIDEO)


Florida freshman Josh Liendo used the patented “Florida no breath last 25” last night to power past Jordan Crooks in the men’s 100 fly, touching first in a new best time of 44.11. The Canada native said it has been a hard adjustment getting used to in practice, but last night in the race it felt good to get the win.

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2 years ago

Even Florida incoming athletes are embracing the no breather last 25. I watched Scotty Buff live last year do that as a junior in HS! Go GATA!

Former Big10
2 years ago

Mark Dylla has entered the chat

Last edited 2 years ago by Former Big10
Eney Jones
2 years ago

No way.😯 When Randy Reese (at U of F) started practice New Year’s Day with 60x 25’s underwater we ended up doing 120 because of me 😪

2 years ago

The way he maintains his technique on the final lap is really impressive. Powerful and graceful stroke throughout. Crooks can use his underwaters to take him on the final stretch but he has to work on managing his response to oxygen debt.
Ramadan is the guy right now because of his demonstrated ability to push to 13-14m on that final lap while still closing strong on the surface.
I think all three of these guys will be in the 43 mid range at NCAAs and it will be a thrilling race.

Reply to  uwk
2 years ago

+Minakov yes a great 4-way duel

Coach Cwik
2 years ago

Why no articles on the Gator Women? Swim Swam didn’t even them a chance in the preview.

Last edited 2 years ago by Coach Cwik
Reply to  Coach Cwik
2 years ago

You mean the preview that picked them to win??

2 years ago

What type of goggles is he wearing?

2 years ago

Did y’all see what he had to say to Crooks afterward?? I smell the SEC’s newest rivalry brewing.

Reply to  NotJamesHarden
2 years ago

What was it?

Reply to  NotJamesHarden
2 years ago

If it was the tweet from Buttstroke swimming that you’re referring to, that’s fake lol. Buttstroke does that because that’s how he wishes swimmers talked to each other

Reply to  PVSFree
2 years ago

Buttstroke is Kyle Sockwell’s sock account, because he doesn’t want to take the heat when he makes up news. Remember when Kyle’s real account ‘reported’ that Matt Sates was going to Cal?

Reply to  sOwAmN
2 years ago

Are you sure it’s Kyle? Seems out of character for him to be doing that.

Reply to  NotJamesHarden
2 years ago

It’s definitely Kyle–lots of ASU content. He started off the Buttstroke account with some funny posts that were obviously parody. But now those type of posts are not particular funny and not as obvious that they are made up.

Reply to  NotJamesHarden
2 years ago

On July 27 Kyle tweeted that he wished he was a fake news swimming account so he could tweet fake news.

On July 28, Buttstroke Swimming was created.
It’s always been extremely obvious that it is him.

But he didn’t lean in hard enough on the fake news/parody stuff enough so now it is just another account for his to use, which is fine but what’s the point? And his fake quotes are dumb because they aren’t obviously fake enough so just make people think badly of the swimmers.

Reply to  ScovaNotiaSwimmer
2 years ago

Idk I think the Liendo quote fooled a few people lol. Maybe that account is just for laughs? He can do much bigger numbers on his main account anyway.

Reply to  NotJamesHarden
2 years ago

Anybody who thinks this is “out of character” for Kyle either doesn’t know Kyle or hasn’t really been paying attention.

The guy who recycles content for engagement traps and rips 99% of his stuff off other people without credit is completely in character with making up quotes to get reactions, knowing full well that people will believe them.

Again, he MADE UP the report about Sates going to Cal, and when it wound up not being true, he just deleted it and pretended like it never happened. That was on his main account.

Reply to  sOwAmN
2 years ago

I’ll give him some credit though – he was measured on his Lia Thomas stuff. He could’ve been a lot more outlandish to chase clicks there. So at least he does care about people a little.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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