Claire Tuggle Breaks 26-Year-Old 11-12 NAG In Girls LC 400m Free

12-year-old sensation Claire Tuggle of the Clovis Swim Club broke a 26-year-old National Age Group Record this weekend, clocking a time of 4:18.41 in the girls 11-12 long course 400m freestyle. The swim, done at the 2017 Summer Slam Champs in Fresno, breaks the record of Dee Brown, who went 4:19.48 back in 1991.

Tuggle now owns seven NAGs, but this marks her first long course 11-12 record. She owns the 10 & under record in the 400 free (4:37.41), and also owns five SCY records: the 200 and 500 free in both the 10 & under and 11-12 age groups, as well as the 11-12 200 IM.

After taking off over seven seconds in the 400 (her previous best was 4:25.76), Tuggle had another impressive showing in the 200 IM, taking off another big chunk of time in 2:20.03. That swim just misses Missy Franklin‘s 11-12 NAG of 2:19.12, set back in 2008.

Tuggle will have a shot at another record at the meet, as she’s slated to swim the 200 free later today. She’ll need to knock just over two seconds off her best of 2:05.49 to get down to the record, also set by Dee Brown in 1991, which stands at 2:03.38.

With her 13th birthday coming up in July, this could be her last chance to nab yet another 11-12 NAG.

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7 years ago

Holy moly Rocky!!!

7 years ago

What time did Ledecky swim for 400m LC when she was 11-12?

Reply to  ADSF
7 years ago


7 years ago

Just to campare from the present, Ajna Kesely’s 11-12 records were 2:04.72 and 4:22.92.

7 years ago

I was at the meet. She did infact break the 200 free record as well.

7 years ago

She went a 2:02.21 in the 200 free according to Meet Mobile. If true she took a second off of the 200 record which has also stood for 26 years.

7 years ago

Katie Ledecky’s world record doesn’t seem SOOO unreachable now…

Reply to  Swimmer?
7 years ago

Hold on, not so fast. Katie ledecky is at 3:56 in the 400 free. Still a long way to go for Claire tuggle.

Reply to  Carlo
7 years ago

I was sorta joking. 4:18 for a near 13 year old is awesome but I don’t think Ledecky is done lol. 3:53? They need to change the records to only 1 year. Someone who just turned 11 trying to beat the record of someone about to turn 13 is not fair.

Reply to  Swimmer?
7 years ago

Which is why that 11 year old will have almost 2 more years to try to beat that record set by an almost 13 year old.

Reply to  Swamfan
7 years ago

Still not fair, the older kids are more experienced, stronger, doing harder workouts. The records work,, but time standards are not fair at all.

7 years ago

She must have won the race by a huge margin.

Congratulations, Claire.

Lane four
7 years ago

This young lady could very well be the real deal!

About James Sutherland

James Sutherland

James swam five years at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, specializing in the 200 free, back and IM. He finished up his collegiate swimming career in 2018, graduating with a bachelor's degree in economics. In 2019 he completed his graduate degree in sports journalism. Prior to going to Laurentian, James swam …

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