Psych Sheets Released for Inaugural “Futures” Championships

by Retta Race 26

July 27th, 2015 Club, National, News

Psych sheets have been released for the USA Swimming’s inaugural “Futures Championships”, which is a trio of meets held over July 30th-August 2nd in Greensboro, North Carolina, Mt. Hood Oregon and West Lafayette, Indiana.

The meets are designed to bridge the gap between Sectionals meets and Junior Nationals, allowing those swimmers not qualifying for Junior Nats to compete in a meet of their own.  While the meet is designed for swimmers to eventually make the leap to Junior Nationals, the championships are open to all athletes who are members of USA Swimming and who have earned at least one of the qualifying standards.  Any swimmer who has achieved one or more qualifying standards for the 2015 Phillips 66 National Championships is not eligible to participate in the Futures Championships.

Below are the psych sheets, event schedule and qualifying times for each of the three meets being held this upcoming weekend.:

Greensboro, North Carolina

Mt. Hood, Oregon

West Lafayette, Indiana

In terms of which club is going where, the meet location assignments are based on the USA Swimming map provided below:

Boundaries for Futures Championships. Courtesy: USA Swimming

Boundaries for Futures Championships. Courtesy: USA Swimming


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9 years ago

It’s frustrating that this meet is the same weekend as Long Course WI State (and many other State meets) and NCSA Jr Nationals. If the state had known prior to USA Swimming announcing these camps, maybe they would have moved their meet a week or two earlier. Maybe USA swimming should have picked a different weekend? Or maybe that is exactly what they wanted for some reason?

NM Coach
9 years ago

Interesting to see the numbers at the Mt. Hood Futures Meet. Going on at the same time is the western zone SR meet with 1200!

Futures is more of a landing spot for the 18&O that doesn’t have National QTs.

Question: why does the Western Zone have such large meets compared to the other zones?

9 years ago

will there be a live feed at each of the meets?????

9 years ago

Nice gerrymandering! 😉

9 years ago

The Mt Hood meet looks the longest based on timeline. But they all look pretty close 12:30-1 pm prelims end

9 years ago

Actually– one or more Nat cut & swimmer can not race Futures. Jr Nat cuts are allowed.

9 years ago

The 41 year old who is competing is a breast stroke beast and awesome coach too. If the future of swimming looks like him and what he brings to the sport and his community than the future is bright!

9 years ago

I thought swimmers with National cuts could not swim the meet.

Reply to  coach
9 years ago

Swimmers that have two or more national cuts can not swim at this meet. One cut is fine.

Reply to  Vikingswim
9 years ago


About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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