1 Week Post-Surgery, Nathan Adrian Returns to Working Out

Torrey Hart
by Torrey Hart 16

February 04th, 2019 National, News

Less than two weeks after announcing his diagnosis and one after undergoing laparoscopic RPLND surgery to treat testicular cancer, Olympic champion Nathan Adrian has returned to working out, he posted on Instagram Monday afternoon.

Adrian, 30, wrote that he was “head to [his] first Dr cleared workout.” While it’s not quite the kind of elite swim training that he was doing before his surgery, a workout is a workout, even if it’s just rehab. The workout stayed in the gym, and per a later post on his account involved walking on a treadmill on an incline, some kettlebell work, and some lat pulldowns.

After the surgery, which took place January 29th, Adrian posted that his doctor said the procedure went well and that he was working to “get back to normal life as quickly as possible.” The laparoscopic RPLND (Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection) procedure is considered minimally invasive compared to open surgery, typically bringing about a faster recovery time.

He also posted two days after surgery that he was able to walk 7,000 steps and was using electric muscle stimulation, which triggers muscle contractions, to help keep his strength up.

Adrian announced January 24th that he’d been diagnosed with testicular cancer and committed to publicizing his experience to raise awareness about men’s health causes. The three-time U.S. Olympian says he’s still aiming to make the 2020 U.S. Olympic team despite the diagnosis. He hasn’t spoken on his status for the coming summer, where he is qualified to represent Team USA at the World Championships as a relay swimmer and at the Pan American Games as an individual and relay swimmer.

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6 years ago

jesus can do anything Im 12 and i just went a 59 1 fly after having 4 weeks of practice coming out of a 10 week injiry

6 years ago

Nathan pray and ask jesus for help

Bonnie Jensen Burmaster
6 years ago

Keep up the good attitude and hopes for a good diagnosis

6 years ago

Champion!!! You are brave and a warrior. Be at peace and keep going! Hats off to you!!!

6 years ago

G Status. Go Nathan!

6 years ago

Anyone else notice he says “First Dr cleared workout”.

6 years ago

Bad. Ass. Mutha. Trucka.

6 years ago

It will be hard to beat a guy who treated cancer like it was nothing with a huge smile on his face.

SUM Ting Wong
Reply to  Observer
6 years ago

If it is just a case of minimally invasive surgery & all is forever well , it hardly counts as a big hurdle . Most ppl would be smiling at that & be thankful for good luck .

Reply to  SUM Ting Wong
6 years ago

Bro, imagine going to the doctor and being told you have cancer… Despite of the type of surgery or treatment, it might be a huge trauma and it’ll sure scare you out of your pants.
Nathan has being more active on social media as well sharing his way to recovery… What a champion!!

Reply to  SUM Ting Wong
6 years ago

I can tell you don’t know much about this surgery. Please educate yourself and then comment. This is probably his second surgery, the first being an orchiectomy. Then the RPLND. At least it was done laparascopically and not fully breastbone to pubic bone incision, but it’s still major.

About Torrey Hart

Torrey Hart

Torrey is from Oakland, CA, and majored in media studies and American studies at Claremont McKenna College, where she swam distance freestyle for the Claremont-Mudd-Scripps team. Outside of SwimSwam, she has bylines at Sports Illustrated, Yahoo Sports, SB Nation, and The Student Life newspaper.

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