What was the One Time Ryan Lochte Was Nervous Before a Race?

Thanks to presenting partner SPIRE Academy, a scholastic boarding school where individuals: excel academically, master life’s necessary personal skills, experience tomorrow’s emerging career opportunities and exceed expectations in their sport or other passion specialization.

Since Childhood, 12x Olympic medalist and SPIRE Ambassador Ryan Lochte was never nervous before his races… except if his college coaches hyped him up about them for days leading up to a dual meet and it was in a 200 fly.

Watch Ryan Lochte earn individual Olympic gold in the 400 IM, beating Michael Phelps and taking the crown at the 2012 London Games.

We went to a very special practice in Geneva, Ohio: a SPIRE Academy Swim Camp featuring SPIRE Ambassador Ryan Lochte.  See it the PRACTICE + PANCAKES with Lochte here.

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2 years ago

The Lochte articles are entertaining. And they are a fraction of the space devoted to pulling MP into just about every story possible.

2 years ago

Aaron Peirsol – the epitome of California Cool…from him – I believe it. And his 200 back WR still holds (ok – it was 2009 – but that even seems cool to me -SUPERsuits).

2 years ago

Serious question: how much were you paid to write 10 Lochte articles in a week?

I would just like to know how much it costs to purchase an article.

If I pay you $10k, will you write an article revealing that Dressel’s middle name is actually ‘Eugene’? I just want to watch the Remel squad lose their entire identity.

Reply to  Sub13
2 years ago

I prefer these video/articles over the 25 articles per week Swimming World writes still about Lia Thomas

Reply to  Sub13
2 years ago

Slow swim news week I guess! All the sudden daily Ryan Lochte content is kinda random and weird but I guess they gotta post something….

2 years ago

Is that a dog’s tail trotting through the frame at :45

2 years ago

Next question, What tissue paper does Lochte wipe his a$$ with

2 years ago

Ryan’s not nervous before an Olympic final against Phelps yet I’m shaking behind the blocks in a small hometown meet where I’m the favorite by 20 seconds.

Sun Yangs Hammer
2 years ago

SwimSwam: it’s time for your daily Ryan Lochte advert


Last edited 2 years ago by Sun Yangs Hammer
Sun Yangs Hammer
Reply to  Sun Yangs Hammer
2 years ago
2 years ago

Wow…. Spire must have paid Lochte and SwimSwam good money for this endless serires!

That being said… I’m enjoying every bit of it 🙂

Inside Smoke
Reply to  VikingSteve
2 years ago

Honestly I like this format, I’m not a fan when everything is just dumped at once cause sometimes gems get lost

Reply to  VikingSteve
2 years ago

I’m enjoying it too. Today’s is great, and it’s a lot easier to watch a 2-minute clip every day than to watch a 40-minute interview once a week.

The Original Tim
Reply to  VikingSteve
2 years ago

As far as different advertising methods go on SwimSwam (banner ads, advertiser posts with comments turned off, technically dense infodump posts, etc), I’d say this is the best one I’ve seen.

Kudos to SPIRE, and by extension, to Lochte since I’m sure he’s getting some sort of a financial takeaway from this advertising series.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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