VIDEO: Cal’s studly swimmer, Elizabeth Pelton is resilient. Her 200 back experience

by Katrina Radke 9

March 23rd, 2014 College, News, Video

Cal’s studly all around swimmer, Elizabeth Pelton is resilient. She has trained harder in weight room and in the pool, and even though she feels like something was off for her this meet, she knows it will pay off in long course.

She gives “kudos” to 200 back winner, Indiana’s Brooklyn Snodgrass.


Katrina Radke is an Olympic Swimmer, Sport Psychology Professor, Cal Alum, and Bestselling Author of Be Your Best Without the Stress, and 7 Ultimate Fitness Routines. She also runs a motivational, peak performance business, WECOACH4U with her husband, Olympic Coach and former Stanford Coach, Ross Gerry.

To keep in touch with Katrina, or do sport psych work via skype/phone:



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10 years ago

awkward. just awkward comments from Pelton. everyone on Cal talks about how it was a “challenging” year and it’s just weird given that every other team has gurls and coaches going through the same parts of their life.

10 years ago

I have a strong feeling CAL swimmers will perform MUCH better in the pan pacs/world trials than those from the teams ahead of them, Georgia and Stanford.

10 years ago

Knowing Elizabeth, I am sure what she meant in the interview is that she didn’t swim as well as she would have liked. With that being said, I feel sure that Elizabeth is looking ahead to the summer season. She is a true team player who absolutely loves all aspects of college swimming. Right after finishing the 200 Back, that just must have been a tough interview.

10 years ago

Bobo can you post a link of the Teri interview?

Reply to  matthew
10 years ago
bobo gigi
10 years ago

I’ve watched an interview of Teri McKeever and she didn’t look very happy to learn that Elizabeth Pelton said she was more focused on next summer than on NCAAs. She said that Liz shouldn’t have looked ahead but rather to have NCAAs as big goal first. She added she will challenge Liz after that meet. A good discussion in perspective.

Reply to  bobo gigi
10 years ago

In the video, Elizabeth doesn’t say anything close to “she was more focused on next summer than on NCAA’s”. The reporter that interviewed Teri misquoted Elizabeth. Obviously, Teri seemed surprised by what the reported claimed Elizabeth had said. The reported owes both Teri and Elizabeth an apology.

Swim Mom
Reply to  Andy
10 years ago

Wow! Interesting how a few words can be taken out of context! To say that Elizabeth was probably shocked, disappointed, etc., after finishing second, would be an understatement. She was also most likely feeling a tremendous responsibility to make the maximum points for the team and she didn’t want to let her coach and/or her team down!

Elizabeth was asked by the interviewer, “Are you looking forward to the summer season?” and she simply answered the question. I don’t believe that her response was about how she was looking forward or more focused on the summer championships than NCAA’s. It appears to me that Elizabeth is holding her head high and moving forward with class, not dwelling on what could… Read more »

Reply to  Swim Mom
10 years ago

All – I’m not really sure what question you’re addressing specifically, but what I hear from Katrina is “in terms of this summer, what are you looking forward to,” and I don’t see anything unfair about that question.

Is there something I’m missing?

EDIT: Nevermind. I see that someone linked to another interview.

Don’t recognize the voice, but it isn’t any of our interviewers.

About Katrina Radke

Katrina Radke, MFT, is an internationally recognized Olympian, therapist, college psychology instructor, and a peak performance and health coach for many fields, including business, sport psychology, fitness, wellness and nutrition. She is a motivational speaker for corporate, educational and public events, and works with top physicians and health professionals. She …

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