VIDEO: Cal’s Cindy Tran completes 4 great years in 100 back. She explains DQ

by Katrina Radke 6

March 21st, 2014 College, News, Video

Studly backstroker , and underwater swimmer (and flyer) Cindy Tran had an amazing night – “I was proud of it – regardless of outcome.” “I wanted to leave it all in the pool.” She was 2nd in the 100 back with a fast 50.81 (1st place went to Paige Miller of Texas A&M in 50.77), and 6th in 100 fly in 51.64.

Over the four years, she has won the 100 back two times, 5th last year, and now 2nd – great career!

“I can’t believe it’s over – last 100 back.”

She also addressed the 200 medley relay DQ. She handled it with grace, and was able to bounce back, and she shared how this was a new experience for her – to be able to move on to swim well – and that, she did!

Best wishes to you, Cindy!


Katrina Radke is an Olympic Swimmer, Sport Psychology Professor, Cal Alum, and Bestselling Author of Be Your Best Without the Stress, and 7 Ultimate Fitness Routines. She also runs a motivational, peak performance business, WECOACH4U with her husband, Olympic Coach and former Stanford Coach, Ross Gerry.

To keep in touch with Katrina, or do sport psych work via skype/phone:



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10 years ago

Still would love to see her do some World Cup legs next fall- her underwater skill would net her some impressive times and great paychecks.

10 years ago

Classy interview.Terri and Cal should be proud.

Anthony Randalll
10 years ago

I commend her on her strength to move forward after a tough DQ. Speaks to the reason to why she swims- the team!!

10 years ago


10 years ago

She was always one of my favorites to watch swim. Her underwaters are just beautiful and she glides through the water. Happy to see her bounce back from a disappointing junior year and a relay DQ to end her career the way it should be, with a smile on her face.

10 years ago

That’s a person that a university can be proud of.

About Katrina Radke

Katrina Radke, MFT, is an internationally recognized Olympian, therapist, college psychology instructor, and a peak performance and health coach for many fields, including business, sport psychology, fitness, wellness and nutrition. She is a motivational speaker for corporate, educational and public events, and works with top physicians and health professionals. She …

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