Versatile Adam Kerr Makes Verbal Pledge to North Carolina

Adam Kerr, a USA Swimming Scholastic All-American from Chesterfield, Virginia, has announced his intention to swim for the University of North Carolina in 2019-20. Andrew Rafalko and Gavin Mayo have also verbally committed to the Tar Heels’ class of 2023.

“I’m incredibly excited to announce my verbal commitment to swim at the University of North Carolina! A huge thanks to all who have supported me along the way! #goheels”

Kerr swims for Cosby High School and Poseidon Swimming. He specializes in IM, back, and breast with Winter Juniors cuts in the 200/400 IM, 200 back, and 200 breast in both SCY and LCM. In high school swimming he finished 3rd in the 200 IM (1:53.86) and 12th in the 100 breast (59.30) at 2018 VHSL Class 6 State Meet. He followed high school season with an outstanding performance at 2018 NCSA Spring Championship, earning PBs in the 100/200 back 100/200 breast, and 200 IM while finaling in the 200 back, 200 breast, and 200 IM. This summer he swam at the LCM version of that meet and made finals in the 200 breast and 200/400 IM. The meet produced new times for him in the 200 free, 50 back, and 200 IM.

SCY times:

  • 400 IM – 3:55.85
  • 200 IM – 1:53.07
  • 200 back – 1:49.89
  • 200 breast – 2:04.18
  • 100 breast – 57.95

If you have a commitment to report, please send an email with a photo (landscape, or horizontal, looks best) and a quote to [email protected].

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6 years ago


6 years ago

Perhaps that 1:53.07 200 Breast should read 200 IM? Congrats to Adam. Great school!

Reply to  FormerTexasLonghorn
6 years ago

What the actual heck does that mean

Reply to  Swimmer
6 years ago

He’s just being a gamer chill my mans

Reply to  FormerTexasLonghorn
6 years ago

Thanks for changing the 1:53.07 from 200 Breast to 200 IM.

Jeffery Snider
Reply to  FormerTexasLonghorn
6 years ago

Wow?!?1 This guys looks exactly like Scott Sobolewski?!

About Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant

Anne Lepesant is the mother of four daughters, all of whom swam in college. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton (where she was an all-Ivy tennis player) and an MBA from INSEAD, she worked for many years in the financial industry, both in France and the U.S. Anne is currently …

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