Ukranian Zevina On Racing In Italy, Relationship With Russian Swimmers

The Italian Federation showed support to the Ukrainian people by hosting athletes in different cities. While the Artistic Swimming team is training at the Federal Centre in Ostia, Rome; 14 swimmers are in Lignano Sabbiadoro, in the North East of Italy. All these 14 athletes have been invited to the Italian Championships that took place last week.

SwimSwam asked Daryna Zevina about her stayed in Italy

During the interview, the Ukrainian backstroker admits that she feels guilty because she’s safe while people are in danger in her hometown. Of course, she is not in good shape, but training and competition help her mind to keep a whit of normality. Her family, settled in Kyiv, now lives near the Polish border.

Daryna also reveals that at the beginning of the war, she tried to contact as many Russian swimmers as she could and ask them how they felt, but sometimes she received some responses that led her to no longer want to hear, and she lost touch with them.

Click here for the first part of the interview.


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2 years ago

So proud of you Daryna! russians are brainwashed orcs.

2 years ago

She should speak to Evgeny Rylov

Reply to  Verram
2 years ago
2 years ago

Russia is just an astonishingly awful country so not surprising

Why allow the trolls swimswam?
Reply to  JT234
2 years ago

Have you ever been to Russia?

Reply to  Why allow the trolls swimswam?
2 years ago

Have you? Go a couple hundreds kilometers away from big cities like Moscow and St.Petersburg especially this time of the year. And you will be astonished by dirt, poverty and mass alcoholism that people are bragging to be a national cultural feature.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yozhik
2 years ago

>she lost touch with them
No loss at all

About Aglaia Pezzato

Aglaia Pezzato

Cresce a Padova e dintorni dove inizialmente porta avanti le sue due passioni, la danza classica e il nuoto, preferendo poi quest’ultimo. Azzurrina dal 2007 al 2010 rappresenta l’Italia con la nazionale giovanile in diverse manifestazioni internazionali fino allo stop forzato per due delicati interventi chirurgici. 2014 Nel 2014 fa il suo esordio …

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