Tusup Ordered To Apologize After Hosszu Testifies Against His Claim

Shane Tusuplongtime coach and husband of Olympic champ Katinka Hosszuhas been ordered to apologize to a former Iron Aquatics coach and pay his legal fees after Hosszu testified against her husband in court.

Darren Ward was a former coach with Iron Aquatics, the club started by Hosszu and Tusup and branded in line with her well-marketed “Iron Lady” moniker. Hungarian media report that there was an altercation between Tusup and Ward at the Hungarian National Championships last April in which Tusup allegedly screamed at Ward “If you do that again, I’ll kill you.”

Per Hungarian news site Kisalfold.hu, Tusup claimed he reacted that way because Ward approached Hosszu threateningly. But several sites, including 24.hu and Kisalfold.hu, are reporting that Hosszu herself testified in court, saying that Ward did not approach her threateningly, effectively denying Tusup’s defense. 24.hu quotes two other Iron Aquatics swimmers who confirm Hosszu’s testimony, saying that up to 100 people heard Tusup’s outburst and the meet even stopped because “everyone got stunned and frozen” (in a rough translation of the Hungarian).

Tusup is now required to apologize to Ward and pay Ward’s legal fees.

Tusup has now become widely known for his controversial on-deck manner. He was criticized late last year for an expletive-laden tirade directed at an official at an age group meet – Tusup was upset about what he considered an unfair start to a relay of 10- and 11-year-old girls, and responded by shouting “F[***] you, Mr. Pass” at the meet organizer, local media reported. Tusup defended his actions by comparing himself to NBA coach Gregg Popovich, who was ejected from a professional basketball game for similar reasons.

Hosszu testifying against Tusup’s version of events in court is just the next episode in what has become a public rift between the husband/wife, coach/swimmer pairing. Tusup and Hosszu had hit a ‘difficult time’ in their relationship as of January, and Hosszu was training separately in Miami, leaving Tusup in Hungary.

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7 years ago

I always figured he was going to crash in burn in a very public way while shouting expletives.

7 years ago

Go Katinka you are the best in Europe! Smart, savey, talented and hot!!! Best wishes for continued success.

7 years ago

Well, nothing says “sincerity” like a forced apology.

7 years ago

Tusup DEFINITELY married waaaaay up. He was basically a nobody. He’s no coaching genius. Katinka did the training and swam the races. He just got those tattoos, gelled his hair, wore his hat sideways, yelled at officials and generally made scenes everywhere he went.

Maybe KH realizes she’s got a much better outlook training elsewhere. She can get a better situation than dealing with the drama and strained family tensions of this unbalanced teenaged boy of a husband and coach.

I wish her luck. And I wish him some much-needed maturity, growth, and a good razor.

Reply to  BaldingEagle
7 years ago

One angry eagle. What did he do to you to cause such emotional outburst. Sure, neither Salo nor Tusup nor any other coach in Hosszu’s swimming career did anything. It was all Hosszu, all by herself.

Reply to  Yozhik
7 years ago

how do u know ? ohhh u searched on wiki again and a good dose of distorted imagination ….well done .

7 years ago

You are right I don’t know for sure and therefore are taking my words back. Referring to the common sense this time we can make a statement that many coaches contributed to Hosszu’s success. And if you need more reliable reference than common sense then read what Katinka Hosszu says about that.

7 years ago

Tusup is just slightly up the evolutionary ladder from Pharma Bro.

Coach John
Reply to  Bigly
7 years ago

check his knuckles for scuff marks… there be aplenty

7 years ago

Control is a form of abuse. Hopefully Hozzsu is working with a good therapist. People have seen enough in public to draw conclusions about what he is like and usually it’s 10 to100 times worse in private when no one else is there to witness. I did try to use restraint with my wording but I hope people give it some thought in light of the Kukors case

Reply to  Taa
7 years ago

Is Hosszu that afraid of him that during her speech at recent awards ceremony in Budapest she thanked him for his dedication to help her to achieve what she’s done. Is her hugging his husband immediately after successful race is a well orchestrated show performed by strongly manipulated and controlled person? I’m not a psychologist but you probably are to see something deeper that isn’t that obvious to the ordinary public.

Coach John
Reply to  Yozhik
7 years ago

I refer you to the Ariana Kukors story for your response…. ever heard of Stockholm syndrome (not saying that is what happened here)

Reply to  Coach John
7 years ago

I believe that situation is kind of different in case of underage inexperienced girl and in the case of independent well established woman in her late twenty.

Reply to  Yozhik
7 years ago

you Are correct that âge (and several other factors) differ these two cases but I hope you can seperate that and use my example to respond to your previous query.

7 years ago

I actually found a clip of Tusup at dinner

7 years ago

‘roid Rage

Reply to  SchoolingFTW
7 years ago

Hubris, the downfall of the high and mighty.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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