15 Signs You Are a Tapering Swimmer
The moment you know your taper worked. Here are 15 signs you are a tapering swimmer.
5 Science-Backed Ways to Have Better Swim Practices
The adage “Don’t work harder, work smarter!” is just as true in swimming as in other realms of life. There are ways that we can intelligently train that yield better results—if we choose to use them!
Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect, This Does
Practice makes perfect. Practice makes permanent. Practice makes me eat bowls of pasta until I’m full…of shame. We’ve heard these…
6 Reasons You Are Struggling with Motivation at Practice
Frustrated with not feeling motivated consistently enough? Have big goals, but have a hard time sticking to them because of wobbly motivation? Then read on.
The Two Words Keeping You From Faster Swimming: “I Can’t”
At some point we have all stood on the brink of a tough workout or big-time race and found ourselves thinking, “I can’t.” Here is what you need to know about these two little words that are keeping you from swimming to your potential.
The Parent’s Survival Guide for Dealing with a Taper
The taper is a confusing, frustrating and hilariously joyous time. Here is a quick guide for parents on how to deal with the various stages of a tapering swimmer.
“I worry about disappointing my parents.”
Swimming your best means stress and pressure. Often, swimmers also worry about disappointing their swim parents. Here’s how to balance out the swimmer-swim parent relationship so that you can do what everyone wants–to swim fast.
Want to Be Mentally Tougher This Season? Sleep More
Mental toughness isn’t just about being more gritty than the next swimmer; it’s about taking care of yourself between practices. Here’s how sleep will help you be more resilient this season.
Are You Mentally Ready to Rock on Race Day?
“Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control.”
How to Be a More Committed Swimmer
Have a hard time sticking to your long term commitments in the water? Even your short term ones? Here’s how to get better at the skill of keeping your commitments in training.
Quick Tip: How to Stop Overthinking Behind the Blocks
Find yourself overthinking behind the blocks? Try this simple trick to make sure that your swim stays “automatic.”
How to Bounce Back After a Bad Swim Practice
Bad swim practices happen to us all, no matter how well-meaning we are with our swimming. Here’s how to turn things around and get back on track.
8 Swimming Milestones You Will Never Forget
Here are 8 common milestones that every competitive swimmer will pass during their journey within the sport.
17 Things Every Swimmer Does (But Would Never Admit)
We’re a funny bunch. We dunk our heads into water for hours at a time and have staring matches with a black tiled line (usually losing). We don’t shave our bodies for months at a time, and spend thousands of hours training in order to drop tenths or hundredths of a second.
The Best Advice I’ve Ever Heard a Swim Parent Give Their Kid
Having spent most of my life on deck and in the pool I recently heard the best advice a swim parent give their little swimmer.