Training Blocks: A Week With Ray Looze & the Indiana Pro Group

Every now and then at SwimSwam, we’ll get a copy of a workout from a major college or professional training group. But with our new series ‘Training Blocks,’ we’re aiming to go deeper, with a set of workouts over a longer period of time. It’s an effort to see how multiple workouts are structured, how they work together, and how the top minds in our sport build out a training block. 

To kick off our ‘Training Blocks’ series, we connected with Indiana University head coach Ray Loozewho served as Team USA’s head coach for the 2018 Pan Pacific Championships.

Looze passed along some workouts from IU’s mid stroke/mid-sprint group, specifically mentioning several of the Indiana pros who swam these workouts: Blake Pieroni, Zach Apple, Lilly King, Annie Lazor and Ian Finnerty. (“We have a great deal of swimmers who move group to group by day,” Looze noted, “so this is by no means what everyone did in this particular week.”).

Looze also mentioned that this block shows how IU begins the taper process, which has begun for some athletes, but not for others. Looze says that a pre-taper practice involves similar volume and structure, but with less intensity and power. For example, a pulley set might be reduced to 3 hard/1 easy or 2 hard/1 easy depending on where an athlete is during their taper.

Notable abbreviations:

  • BT = breaststroke
  • BO = breakout
  • H/E = hard/easy

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4 years ago

What are drag mittens?

S Soedel Ex-Boiler
5 years ago

Has this been vetted as their REAL workout or is it some sort of IU trickery/chicanery right before Big 10’s? 🙂 I liked Doc. Remember that guy? I did some training with Doc as an age grouper. He thought I had “potential” …but he was wrong. 🙂

Reply to  S Soedel Ex-Boiler
5 years ago

I mean, if it’s fabricated, it was an awfully-elaborate fabrication. Within a few minutes after asking for it, coach Looze sent us over a word doc complete with dates and names of athletes/groups who participated in each workout.

Seems authentic to me.

NM Coach
Reply to  Braden Keith
5 years ago

Ray is one of the ONLY elite level coaches that actually shares workouts.

Reply to  NM Coach
5 years ago

True, and that’s a big part of why we reached out to him for the first edition. However, we’re working on making this into a series, and several other coaches have indicated that they’re willing to share.

Coach John
Reply to  Braden Keith
5 years ago

look into Energy Standard… there are a plethora of workouts there if you ask!

Reply to  NM Coach
5 years ago

Dave Salo Twitter… you’re welcome

Reply to  NM Coach
5 years ago

Interestingly enough so was Jonty. I ask Jonty a few questions via email a few years back and he sent me his Alabama season plan and a whole cycle of their Sprint group workouts.

Reply to  S Soedel Ex-Boiler
5 years ago

Cody Miller posts his work outs with his vlogs, Ray doesn’t seem to care if workouts are out to the world or not

Texas swims in a short pool
5 years ago

interesting speculation on Jonty. lots of mystery surrounding IU with multiple kids transferring the past few years, the hiring of Cory Chitwood after his removal from Arizona for poor conduct.

Swim Dad
Reply to  Texas swims in a short pool
5 years ago

My kid didn’t choose IU but the current (well, current until today) staff was there (minus John) for our visit and throughout the process and I was very impressed with the staff, team, and pros. I went in very, very skeptical and we discussed whether to cancel amidst the Westphal saga, but we both found the whole environment very genuine, constructive, and supportive. Cory was impressive and I believe honest amidst some tough questions. I think his future is bright and he deserves it to be (not supporting past behavior but willing to forgive once for mistakes in your 20s). When you look at their great recruiting class in ‘21, it’s clear a number of others felt the same way.… Read more »

Texas swims in a short pool
Reply to  Swim Dad
5 years ago

I don’t think that Cory should be judged by his past. And I agree that IU is doing very well for themselves. Just noting there is a lot of smoke around the program right now.

5 years ago

This is a great idea for a new series of articles! Keep them coming!

5 years ago

Another article on IU? Surprise! Where is Jonty? Why is no one talking about the fact that he hasn’t been on deck for 2 weeks?

Reply to  Natas
5 years ago

He apparently got removed for misconduct and is no longer on staff. I am waiting to hear the IU AD come out with a statement about it..

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Swammer
5 years ago

Dang. I was waiting for the perfect marriage of the hydro-freestyle and the elusive quadrant.

M - Wolverines
Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

Just a few weeks before BIG10s too. What could’ve taken place for this to happen and for IU to be quiet about it for this long? Anyone on the team have any answers? A shame for the pros that followed him too.. I hope someone looks into this, potentially a big story here.

Samuli Hirsi
Reply to  M - Wolverines
5 years ago

maybe it is better to be silent that wheels of justice can turn their rounds, better than hangmen here in the comments….

Reply to  Samuli Hirsi
5 years ago

You must be quoting Cameron Craig

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

Swimswam I want to know.
Who is the more iconic commenter:
Upvote: Ol’ Longhorn
Downvote Yohzik

Reply to  ;dhssda
5 years ago

That Bobo Gigi didn’t make this poll invalidates all of its results.

Reply to  Braden Keith
5 years ago

Bobo was last decade. Old news now.

Reply to  RenéDescartes
5 years ago

An icon transcends time.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Braden Keith
5 years ago


Coach John
Reply to  RenéDescartes
5 years ago

where’s HulkSmash… or whatever his name is. I miss that dude!

NM Coach
Reply to  Braden Keith
5 years ago

CLASSIC response Braden!!!!

Reply to  Braden Keith
5 years ago

I wanted to include Bobo but I have not seen them comment in decades

Reply to  ;dhssda
5 years ago

He definitely doesn’t comment as often as he used to, but he still does from time-to-time. I think he left a few last week.

Reply to  Braden Keith
5 years ago

Im curious to know,
What is the most liked swimswam comment ever

Reply to  Swammer
5 years ago

Surprised he lasted that long. Jonty is a great coach but he is high maintenance as an assistant and needs to operate independently in his own spectrum. At Alabama Pursley gave him free reign to do what he wanted. Can’t see any other head coach allowing him to operate that way. Hope this works out for both him and the IU team with upcoming championship season.

Reply to  Magilla
5 years ago

How is “needs to operate independently” defined as “high maintenance”?

Reply to  Swammer
5 years ago

Unnecessary on so many levels.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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